
出版时间:2009-1  出版社:北京大学医学出版社  作者:库尔撒德  页数:272  


  This book is written for clinical students, undergradu-ate and postgraduate, as an aid to understanding clini- cal dentistry. Our purpose is to present our specialties in an integrated patient-focused way. The disciplines of oraland maxiUofacial surgery, oral and maxillofacial radiol-ogy oral and maxillofacial pathology and oral medicine have been brought together to provide an understanding of clinical problems. We have therefore worked together to compile chapters, although we have each taken a lead in coordinating particular chapters (Paul Coulthard chapters 1,3,4,6,8,9; Keith Homer chapters 2,5,7,15,16; Philip Sloan chapters 10,11,12,13; and Elizabeth Theaker chapter 14). This new edition has been thoroughly updated since the publication of the earlier popular text and has an introduc- tory chapter about evidence-based practice that we believe is important for clinicians to understand. This book deals primarily with those clinical problems that would tradi- tionally come under the surgical and medical umbrella. We did not presume to trespass into other areas of dentistry; these are dealt with in the accompanying volume of this series - Master Dentistry 2: Restorative Dentistry, Paedfatric Dentistry and Orthodontics, edited by Peter Heasman. We hope that the format is fresh and stimulating with ample opportunity for readers to test their knowledge.  Whilst this book will act as a core text for undergradu- ates approaching final examinations, it will also be useful for dental students at any stage of the course who want to expand their knowledge. Postgraduates approaching pro- fessional examinations such as MJDF should find the book particularly appropriate.




PrefaceIntroduction1.Evidence-based practice2.Assessing patients3.MedicaI aspects of patient care4.Control of pain and anxiety5.1nfection and inflammation of the teeth and jaws6.Removal of teeth and surgical implantology7.Diseases of bone and the maxillary sinus8.Oral and maxillofacial injuries9.DentofaciaI and craniofaciaI anomalies10.Cysts and odontogenic tumours11.MucosaI diseases12.Premalignancy and malignancy13.Salivary gland disease14.FaciaI pain15.Disorders of the temporomandibular joint16.Radiation protectionIndex


  The discipline of learning is closely linked to prepa- ration for examinations. Give yourself sufficient time. Superficial memorising of facts may be adequate for some multiple choice examinations but will not be ade- quate when understanding is required. Spending time to acquire a deeper knowledge and understanding will not only get you through the examination but will have long- term use solving real problems in clinical practice. It is useful to discuss topics with colleagues and your teachers. Talking through an issue will let you know very quickly whether or not you understand it, just as it will in an oral examination! This book alone will not get you through an exami- nation. It is designed to complement your lecture notes, your recommended textbooks, past examination papers and your clinical experience. Large reference textbooks are of little use when preparing for examinations and should have been used to supplement your notes and answer par- ticular questions during the course. Short revision guides may have lists of facts for cramming but will not provide sufficient information to facilitate any understanding and will not be enough for finals and postgraduate examina- tions. Medium-sized textbooks recommended by your teachers will, therefore, be the most useful. This book will help to direct your learning and enable you to organise your knowledge in a useful way.



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用户评论 (总计8条)


  •   很适合双语教学,非常适合学习专外。
  •   里面没有中文 但是学习专业英语很棒 超喜欢!
  •   全英文,锻炼人啊
  •   纸质还可以,全英文版,三天到货。总体还可以,好评
  •   全英文的看不懂,不是双语的
  •   全英的。内容不像教材那样系统。适合做课外读物。还是比较充实的。。
  •   书全英文,但是开胶了,一个角还磕坏了。但是内容很好。
  •   拿到书后 感觉蛮好

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