
出版时间:2010-1  出版社:北京大学医学出版社  作者:(美)郜(Kao,L.S.),(美)李(Lee,T.) 编  页数:364  


美国医师执照考试是针对全世界各国医学院的学生或毕业生,欲到美国从医的执照考试,考试全部为选择题,采用计算机考试。考试分为:Step 1(第一阶段),考察医学基础学科知识;Step 2(第二阶段),考察临床医学知识和临床技能;Step 3(第三阶段),测试考生的实际工作能力。     本册《外科学(第12版)》介绍了“Pre- and Postoperative Care”、“Critical Care:Anesthesiology,Blood Gases,and Respiratory Care”、“Skin:Wounds,Infections,and Burns;Hands;Plastic Surgery”等众多内容。


编者:(美国)郜(Lillian S.Kao) (美国)李(Tammy Lee)


IntroductionPre-and Postoperative Care  Questions  AnswersCritical Care: Anesthesiology,Blood Gases,and Respiratory Care  Questions  AnswersSkin:Wounds,Infections,and Burns;Hands;Plastic Surgery  Questions  AnswersTrauma and Shock  Questions  AnswersTransplants,Immunology,and Oncology  Questions  AnswersEndocrine Problems and the Breast  Questions  AnswersGastrointestinal Tract,Liver,and Pancreas  Questions  AnswersCardiothoracic Problems  Questions  AnswersPeripheral Vascular Problems  Questions  AnswersUrology  Questions  AnswersOrthopedics  Questions  AnswersNeurosurgery  Questions  AnswersOtolaryngology  Questions  AnswersPediatric Surgery  Questions  AnswersBibliography


22. The answer is c. (Brunicardi, pp 1463-1465.) Acute adrenal insufficiency can occur in patients with severe stress, infection, or trauma or as a result of abrupt cessation or too rapid tapering of chronic glucocorticoid therapy, and is classically manifested as changing mental status, increased temperature, cardiovascular collapse, hypoglycemia, and hyperkalemia. The diagnosis can be difficult to make and requires a high index of suspicion. Its clinical presentation is similar to that of sepsis; however, sepsis is generally associated with hyperglycemia and no significant change in potassium. The treatment for adrenal crisis is intravenous steroids, volume resuscitation, and other supportive measures to treat any new or ongoing stress. Dexamethasone is the steroid replacement of choice when empirically treating adrenal insufficiency since hydrocortisone can interfere with confirmatory testing (adrenocorticotropic hormone [ACTH] stimulation test). Steroid treatment can be subsequently converted to oral medication and tapered after treatment of the adrenal crisis.23. The answer is e. (Brunicardi, p 78.) Transfusions with FFP to replenish vitamin K-dependent dotting factors should be administered on call to the operating room. The timing of transfusion is dependent on the quantity of each factor delivered and its half-life. The half-life of the most stable dotting factor, factor VII, is 4 to 6 hours. Thus, transfusion of FFP on call to the operating room ensures that the transfusion is complete prior to the incision, with circulating factors to cover the operative and immediate postoperative period.


《外科学(第12版)》:PreTest is the closest you can get to seeing the test before you take it student tested and reviewed"...a comprehensive compilation of questions both in general surgery and surgical subspecialties which will be extremely useful for both the medical students and the residents studying for their boards"——Ranjith Ramasamy MD, Resident, New York-Presbyterian Hospital, Weill Cornell Medical College"The explanation for each question was clear and filled with enough detail to reinforce something that I had already known, or it helped me to remember and understand things that I hadn't quite grasped before."——Judy Vu, Medical Student, University of Utah School of Medicine"...highly relevant to the material/concepts tested on the USMLE Step 2"——Kevyn To, Medical Student, SUNY Upstate College of Medicine500 USMLE-style questions and answersDetailed explanations for right and wrong answersTargets what you really need to know for exam successStudent tested and reviewedGreat for clerkship review and the USMLE Step 2 CK! Surgery: PreTest asks the right questions so you'll know the right answers. Open it and start learning what's on the test.




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  •   全英版教书,参考看看,提高自己
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  •   影印版,比买完全原版的便宜,内容应该都一样
  •   书里的内容一般,服务比较好
  •   不错,正在拜读中,和USMLE的STEP1结合使用

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