
出版时间:2009-9  出版社:北京对外经济贸易大学出版社有限责任公司  作者:黎晓伟,陆正刚 主编  页数:102  字数:141000  




Situation 1  Immigration and Customs
Situation 2 Meeting Guests
Situation 3 At the hotel
Situation 4 Talking about the Itinerary
Situation 5 At the Restaurant
Situation 6 Tourist Traportation
Situation 7 Visiting Scenic Spots


插图:During our stay here we have travelled 8,000 kilometres under the expert guidance of theexcellent staff of the China International Travel Service. As we travelled through China, wewere impressed by the determination and confidence of the Chinese people and by the scenesof construction everywhere.Out of our many visits to various areas of the world, this visit to your country has been themost culturally rewarding. The friendliness, hospitality, superb food, comfortable accommodationand beautiful scenery have combined to make this a memorable trip for all of us.We are leaving tomorrow. However, you can be sure that we will always cherish happymemories of your country and your delightful people. China is one place we would love toreturn to —— there is so much one can learn here. In the meantime, we look forward to havingan opportunity to welcome you, our Chinese friends, to the United States so that we canreturn some of your kindness and hospitality.Thank you very much.Ladies and Gentlemen,I am very happy to be here tonight to express my thanks and to bid farewell to myAmerican friends.We are at the end of our journey through my remarkable country, and have been deeplyimpressed. Americans have always admired progress and the People's Republic of China is anoutstanding example.Our country has been through an amazing 50 years of national achievements.During your stay here we have travelled 8,000 kilometres. As you traveled throughChina, you were impressed by the determination and confidence of the Chinese people and bythe scenes of construction everywhere.





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