Microsoft Windows 2000 服务器端应用程序设计

出版时间:2000-9  出版社:北京大学出版社  作者:Microsoft 公司 著  页数:698  字数:1200000  


本书是《微软编程圣典丛书(影印版)》之一,讲述Windows 下的服务器应用程序设计技巧,内容涉及涉及访问控制、CPU周期、进程间通信、设备I/O、事件记录和性能临控等。为了增加本书的实用性,特以配套光盘的形式提供了丰富的程序实例、Microsoft Platform SDK(Windows 2000版)、C++类以及本书的电子版。本书由微软公司组织专家编写,具有相当的技术深度,是中、高级程序员必备的参考书。


IntroductionPart 1 required readlng  chapter one     the discipline of service development    fault tolerance and tidy code    scalability and performance    security    network communication  chapter two    device i/o and Interthread communication    opening and closing devices    adtailed lood at createfile    working with file devices    getting a fil's size    positioning a file piinter    setting the end of a file    performing synchronous device I/o    flushing data to the device    basics of asynchronous device I/o    the overlapped structure    asynchronous device I/o caveats    canceling queued device I/o pequests    ……part II servicespart III administrationpart Ⅳ securitypart Ⅴ apendlxesindex



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