Frommer温哥华与维多利亚旅游指南,2008Frommer's Vancouver & Victoria 2008

出版时间:2007-12  出版社:Rev Ed (2007年12月26日)  作者:Donald Olson  页数:307  


Thoroughly updated every year (unlike most of the competition), Frommer’s Vancouver & Victoria features gorgeous color photos of the sights and experiences that await you. The guide is meticulously researched by local residents, who share their favorite finds in these two crown jewels of British Columbia.   You’ll find great places to stay for every taste and budget, from elegant harborside hotels to family-friendly inns, and the latest on dining, from innovative Pacific Rim cuisine to traditional fish 'n' chips. You’ll discover spectacular gardens, colorful neighborhoods, art galleries, beaches, and more—with detailed maps, city strolls, sizzling nightlife, and ferry trips to nearby islands. Also featured are fabulous side trips, including skiing at Whistler, and great places for whale watching, hiking, sea kayaking, and more. You'll also get a handy color map of Vancouver and Victoria.


List of MapsWhat’s New in Vancouver & Victoria1 The Best of Vancouver & Victoria2 Planning Your Trip to Vancouver & Victoria3 Suggested Vancouver & Victoria Itineraries4 Getting to Know Vancouver5 Where to Stay in Vancouver6 Where to Dine in Vancouver7 Exploring Vancouver8 Vancouver Strolls9 Vancouver Shopping10 Vancouver After Dark11 Getting to Know Victoria12 Where to Stay in Victoria13 Where to Dine in Victoria14 Exploring Victoria15 Victoria Strolls & Biking Tour16 Victoria Shopping17 Victoria After Dark18 Side Trips: The Best of British ColumbiaIndex



    Frommer温哥华与维多利亚旅游指南,2008Frommer's Vancouver & Victoria 2008 PDF格式下载

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