Girl of the Moment瞬间女孩

出版时间:2007-4  出版社:Penguin USA  作者:Lizabeth Zindel  页数:283  


Celebrity-obsessed teens will clamor for this first novel by famed author Paul Zindel's daughter. After high-school-senior Lily Miles lands a summer internship with teen celebrity Sabrina Snow, she learns firsthand how messed up the lives of the rich and famous can be. Sabrina is manipulative, backstabbing, and unbelievably demanding, and readers will cheer as Lily slowly gets up the nerve to tell her off and do the right thing. With a domineering mother, an eating disorder, and an ever-present cockapoo puppy, Sabrina seems like a collage of real-life teen celebrities. Zindel works as a producer with Maverick Films (Madonna's entertainment company), so it's a safe bet that she knows of what she writes. This is a book of the moment, but for the moment, it offers lots of light fun.



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  •   书纸张一般封面挺漂亮的。内容还行。英语程度大约高中毕业才能勉强读懂。

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