Twimericks 绕口令大挑战

出版时间:2009-10  作者:Brooks, Lou  页数:36  


Pure nuttiness: the "Twimerick," a fiendish confection of limerick plus tongue-twister, topped off by the deliciously whacky illustrations of its inventor, Lou Brooks. To wit (and to be read out loud quickly): "A petulant flatulent ""platypus starts, ""To tooting and flouting his ""flute to his farts, ""But at platypus outings, ""His flatulent floutings, ""Flout his flute flat at the ""tootiest parts. " Nonsensical whimsy-or whimsical nonsense-Twimericks are a form of wordplay that are irresistible for kids, as well as for grown-ups unafraid to be silly; perfect to be read at parties or in a classroom when learning poetry (that's right, who knew poetry could be so much fun?). And the book itself, like the best poetry collections, is a gem offering one Twimerick per page, each illustrated in full-color by the author, a legendary commercial artist. Open to any page and feel the unbridled creative energy spilling out. It's pure happiness.



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