
出版时间:2009-9  作者:小约翰多齐尔  译者:余洁 吴庐春  


When Revenge Turns to E-venge . . . TAKE COVER with Google Bomb  Google Bomb (n) or 'link bomb': Internet slang for a certain kind of attempt to raise the ranking of a given page in results from a Google search. (Wikipedia) In today's technology-dependent world, the Internet has become a legal lethal weapon against the privacy and reputations of its users. Based on Sue Scheff's landmark Internet defamation case that gave face to online harassment, cyberbulling, privacy invasion, and Google bombs, and stirred Internet regulation and free-speech debates, Google Bomb arms readers with information, legal advice, and reputation defense tips from one of the country's top cyber abuse attorneys, JohnW. Dozier Jr. Dozier, who specializes in legal matters involving online defamation, copyright and trademark infringement, and hacking, uses Scheff's story as a backdrop to lay the groundwork for a personal plan for reputation defense that anyone from business owners and students to job seekers and employers to parents and bloggers can implement easily and immediately to help them maintain a searchable online image.




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