小兔子的旅行The Bunnies's Trip

出版时间:2008-1  作者:Evans, Lezlie/ Chorao, Kay (ILT)  


The bunny family is ready to take a big trip. But first they have to manage to get all their things packed:  
"We are not taking these or those-
Just who put in this garden hose?"
and once they are on the road...

"Bunny one's still bothering me!"
Bunny two says irritably.
Bunny three and four insist--
"We'll stop right here if you persist!" Luckily, finally...
Way up ahead, they spy a light.
The bunnies bounce with all their might!
When finally, the crew hops in
they greet their favorite bunny kin.
The adorable illustrations, humor and rhythmic text in this counting book are sure to charm readers of all ages.



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