Becoming a Better Value Creator 价值大师

出版时间:2000-8  作者:Anjan Y. Thakor 著  页数:256  


Why do some companies perform beyond expectation year after year while others start out strong but quickly fizzle? The answer lies in their ability to create long-term value. In this book, a leading professor at the top-ranked University of Michigan Business School presents five keys to creating value by incorporating the efforts of marketing, manufacturing, human resources, and finance in a strategy for continuing bottom-line success. His fresh look at what makes companies work shows managers how they can identify the factors that create value and use them to benefit their organizations and their own careers.     Why do some companies perform beyond expectation year after year while others start out strong but quickly fizzle? The answer lies in their ability to create long-term value. In this book, a leading professor at the top-ranked University of Michigan Business School presents five keys to creating value by incorporating the efforts of marketing, manufacturing, human resources, and finance in a strategy for continuing bottom-line success. His fresh look at what makes companies work shows managers how they can identify the factors that create value and use them to benefit their organizations and their own careers.


ANJAN V. THAKOR is the Edward J. Frey Professor of Banking and Finance at the University of Michigan Business School and the recipient of many distinguished teaching awards.


Foreword X1Preface xiii1 The Five Secrets of Great Value Creators2 Understanding Value and Value Creation3 Putting Value Creation into Practice:Strategy, Success Measures,and Speed4  Improving Value Creation in Procurement and Manufacturing5  Improving Value Creation in Marketing,Sales and Distribution,and New Product Development6  Improving Value Creation in Human Resources7  Improving Value Creation in FinanceAfterwordNotesThe AuthorIndeX



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