腹部平片与相关成像 The Abdominal Plain Film with Correlative Imaging

出版时间:1998-10  出版社:McGraw-Hill Professional  作者:Stephen R. Baker  页数:652  


The new edition of this popular text provides essential information on the third most common conventional radiographic study.


1.Uses, Limitations, and Technical Considerations2.Principles of Abdominal Plain Film Interpretation3.Plain Film Radiology of the Peritoneal and Retroperitoneal Spaces4.The Plain Film Assessment of the Stomach and Duodenum5.Plain Film Radiology of the Intestines and Appendix6.The Plain Film of the Liver, Bile Ducts, and Spleen7.Plain Film Radiology of the Pancreas and Adrenal Glands 8.Plain film findings in the urinary tract9.Plain film radiology of the female and male genital tracts10.The Radiology of Opaque Surgical Clips and Staples



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