Resistance Band 绳操

出版时间:2006-12  出版社:Parragon  作者:Not Available (NA)  页数:96  


Discover the amazing fitness tool that is the resistance band. Widely used by top sports people, the resistance band is a simple and effective device for all of us to use in mproving fitness, flexibility, and balance.  The Resistance Band Workout is a comprehensive guide, providing essentia advice on using this piece of equipment which is able to strengthen muscle groups often neglected by other forms of exercise.


introduction1 resistance band   how resistance bands work   basic anatomy   body types   target heart rate   motivation   visualization   how to use this book2 warm-up and stretching3 shoulder and arm exercises4 chest and upper back exercises5 abdominal and   lower back exercises6 hip and thigh exercises7 lower leg and ankle exercisespulling it all togetherindex



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