
出版时间:2005-12  出版社:Rough Guides  作者:Paul Gray; Lucy Ridout; John Clewley  页数:896  


The Rough Guide to Thailand is the most discerning and accessible handbook to this intriguing country. A 24-page full colour section introduces the country, its climate, regions and culture and full colour spreads highlight the best of the activities, events and sights. There is evocative coverage of all the sights in opinionated write-ups, including the best beaches and islands, and critical reviews of places to stay, eat and drink. The authors give expert advice on activities ranging from trekking to spa treatments, and from scuba-diving to cookery courses. For every region and town, there are detailed maps, pin-pointing the accommodation and restaurant listings. Finally, in the Contexts section, there is an in-depth discussion of Thailand''s history, religion, wildlife, music and cinema.


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