Poems for Young Children 儿童诗

出版时间:2010-6  作者:Gallagher, Belinda 编  页数:512  


  This book is a treasure chest of words, full of delightful poetry to suit all moods. There are simple definitions to explain complicated words, and interesting facts to enrich your understanding of poetry. The oldest poems in this book are around 400 years old,but they speak of experiences anyone can understand - having a cold nose in winter or hearing the first cuckoo of!he year. Poets include famous favourites such as Robert Louis Stevenson,Edward Lear, Christina Rossetti and Lewis Carroll.


The TriantiwontigongolopeFrom A Pig's TaleThe Looking GlassThree Young Rats'Tis MidnightThe Poor Little ToeSome PuzzlesThe New VestmentsThe Cats have Come to TeaTopsg Turvg WorldI'd Rather have FingersThe Pelican ChorusThe Man with the BeardThere was an Old ManA Cat Came FiddlingPussg-cat MoleThe Owl and the Pussg-catAlas! Alas!Aiken DrumJabberwockyThe Old Man in a TreeThe Old Man of St BeesCalico PieRiddle: Thomas a TattamusBetty Batter Boughtsome ButterThe Man who went MadThe Man from NantucketWhat I SaidThere was an Old LadyThe Ladg of Antigua……The Wonderful WorldIndex of PoetsIndex of First Lines




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