韦氏新探索者西英、英西词典 Webster's New Explorer Spanish-English Dictionary

出版时间:1999-1  出版社:1999-09-01 (1999年9月1日)  作者:MERRIAM-WEBSTER 著  页数:740  


  Emphasizing contemporary Latin American Spanish (and American English), Merriam-Webster's latest dictionary offers concise definitions for more than 80,000 words and phrases. Special sections cover the conjugation of Spanish verbs, common Spanish and English abbreviations, and a few basic tips on Spanish grammar. One nice feature is the clear explanation on the back cover for how to "read" an entry. Random House's Latin-American Spanish Dictionary (1997) shares some similar traits and a similar audience and is in the same price range. Webster's covers 20,000 more words and phrases than does Random House's and gives more frequent plural and masculine/feminine endings, but it provides less depth, fewer regional differences, and fewer informal definitions than Random House's does. If you can only afford one Latin American Spanish dictionary, buy Random House's; otherwise, Webster's is recommended for circulating collections in public and academic libraries.AJohn Charles, Scottsdale P.L., AZ   Copyright 1999 Reed Business Information, Inc.


PrefaceExplanatory NotesAbbreviations in this WorkPronunciation SymbolsSpanish GrammarSpanish NumbersConjugation of Spanish VerbsSpanish-English DictionaryEnglish-Spanish DictionaryCommon Spanish Abbreviations        Abreviaturas comunes en espafiolCommon English Abbreviations          Abreviaturas comunes en inglesMetric System: Conversions           Sistema metrica:conversiones



    韦氏新探索者西英、英西词典 Webster's New Explorer Spanish-English Dictionary PDF格式下载

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  •   非常好用的一本书,变位词也能查到
  •   还不错,价廉物美。字典是正式销售前免费赠送给销售商用来促销的,是美国原装的。所以比较便宜。但是封面感觉不太牢固,担心用久了会坏。
  •   书的确是国外原版的,看起来稍微有点旧。不过就像前一位朋友所说此书是“正式销售前免费赠送给销售商用来促销的”,也对得起这么便宜的价钱。有一点感到有些遗憾,这本书里的例句很少,几乎没有。建议想买配有很多例句的朋友要慎重考虑。

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