Time Out Dubai: Abu Dhabi and the UAE (平装)

出版时间:2005年10月  出版社:Time Out  作者:Time Out  


Burgeoning financial districts, waterfront high-rises, and tax-free shopping malls along the serene Gulf coast distinguish Dubai. This lively, thorough guide profiles these and much more, from themed hotels and desert resorts that display the warm local hospitality to new art galleries, theaters, and performance venues that herald a rich arts scene. The best luxury, mid-range, and budget accommodations are reviewed, along with dining spots for every taste. Written by resident writers, Time Out Dubai explores the city’s quirkier districts, including historical Bastakia, bargain paradise Karama, and the bustling Sheikh Zayed Road. Here too are landmarks like the iconic The World islands, the towering Burj Dubai, and the stunning underwater Hydropolis hotel. This edition features new sidebars, photographs, and listings; updated maps; and a new culture chapter for context.



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