I, Michelangelo (Hardcover)我是米开朗基罗(精装)

出版时间:2004-4  出版社:Prestel Pub  作者:Illetschko, Georgia  页数:159  


In this vibrant, prismatic portrait of the artist and his work, Michelangelo’s brilliance leaps from the page as his words speak directly to us. The next best thing to traveling back in time, this dazzling presentation of Michelangelo’s art takes us directly into his world, revealing how the Renaissance master saw himself and his work. In letters, poetry, and notes, Michelangelo’s own words narrate an odyssey through his life and career as a sculptor, painter, and architect, while numerous images capture the breathtaking magnitude of his oeuvre. Providing maps, diagrams, details of sculptures and paintings, and biographical information, this comprehensive volume focuses the artist’s most important accomplishments, offering historic and cultural contexts, which deepen our understanding of his genius. The book’s main essay, written by a leading European journalist, brings the artist and his world to life. The elegantly designed volume includes a slipcover and features a stunning foldout of the Sistine Chapel. As readable and user-friendly as it is authoritative and exhaustive, I Michelangelo offers a thoroughly original exploration of the life and work of one of history’s most fascinating artists.



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