
出版时间:1995-1  出版社:高等教育出版社  作者:韩志先 编  页数:285  


本书为《英语阅读教程》第三分册,包括10单元,40篇课文。课文内容多为文艺小说、人物传记、历史故事、宗教传说等,也有一些科技文章。课文长度950~1200词之间。      本书练习设计精巧,形式多样:阅读文之前有提示性的问题;阅读课文之后有选择题、填空题、词汇练习题;每单元后还有一篇速读短文和针对短文的选择题,以检查学生的阅读速度和理解能力;同时,每单元中还有专门讲解阅读技能和词汇知识的部分,并配有相应的练习。书后附有练习参考答案。    本书配有学习辅导书,辅导书内容包括:阅读文章难点注释及参考译文。


Unit I Texts 1-4  IA Reading for Comprehension and Speed  IB Learning about Skills and Words  IC Testing Your Reading Comprehension and SpeedUnit II Texts 5-8  IIA Reading for Comprehension and Speed  IIB Learning about Skills and Words  IIC Testing Your Reading Comprehension and SpeedUnit III Texts 9-12  IIIA Reading for Comprehension and Speed  IIIB Learning about Skills and Words  IIIC Testing Your Reading Comprehension and SpeedUnit IV Texts 13-16  IVA Reading for Comprehension and Speed  IVB Learning about Skills and Words  IVC Testing Your Reading Comprehension and SpeedUnit V Texts 17-20  VA Reading for Comprehension and Speed  VB Learning about Skills and Words  VC Testing Your Reading Comprehension and SpeedUnit IV Texts 21-24  IVA Reading for Comprehension and Speed  IVB Learning about Skills and Words  IVC Testing Your Reading Comprehension and SpeedUnit VII Texts 25-28  VIIA Reading for Comprehension and Speed  VIIB Learning about Skills and Words  VIIC Testing Your Reading Comprehension and SpeedUnit VIII Texts 29-32Unit IX Texts 33-36Unit X Texts 37-40Key to Exercises



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