
出版时间:2003-9  出版社:高等教育出版社  作者:教育部《文秘英语》教材编写组编  页数:248  字数:450000  


20世纪末,以计算机和通信技术为代表的信息科学和技术,对世界的经济、军事、科技、教育、文化、卫生等方面的发展产生了深刻的影响,由此而兴起的信息产业已经成为世界经济发展的支柱。进入21世纪,各国为了加快本国的信息产业,加大了资金投入和政策扶持。    为了加快我国信息产业的进程,在我国《国民经济和社会发展第十个五年计划纲要》中,明确提出“以信息化带动工业化,发挥后发优势,实现社会生产力的跨越式发展。”信息产业的国际竞争将日趋激烈。在我国加入WT0后,我国信息产业将面临国外竞争对手的严峻挑战。竞争成败最终将取决于信息科学和技术人才的多少与优劣。    在20世纪末,我国信息产业虽然得到迅猛发展,但与国际先进国家相比,差距还很大。为了赶上并超过国际先进水平,我国必须加快信息技术人才的培养,特别要培养一大批具有国际竞争能力的高水平的信息技术人才,促进我国信息产业和国家信息化水平的全面提高。为此,教育部高等教育司根据教育部吕福源副部长的意见,在长期重视推动高等学校信息科学和技术教学的基础上,将实施超前发展战略,采取一些重要举措,加快推动高等学校的信息科学和技术等相关专业的教学工作。在大力宣传、推荐我国专家编著的面向21世纪和“九五”重点的信息科学和技术课程教材的基础上,在有条件的高等学校的某些信息科学和技术课程中推动使用国外优秀教材的影印版进行英语或双语教学,以缩短我国在计算机教学上与国际先进水平的差距,同时也有助于强化我国大学生的英语水平。    为了达到上述目的,在分析一些出版社已影印相关教材,一些学校已试用影印教材进行教学的基础上,教育部高等教育司组织并委托高等教育出版社开展国外优秀信息科学和技术优秀教材及其教学辅助材料的引进研究与影印出版的试点工作。为推动用影印版教材进行教学创造条件。    作者简介:    Bjarne Stroustrup is the designer and original implementor of C++ and the author of the C++ Programming Language( first edition 1985, second edition 1991, third edition 1997) The Annotated C++ Refernce manual, and The Design and Evolution of C++. A graduate of the University of Aarhus, Denmark, and Cambridge University, England, Dr.Stroustrup is currently the head of At &T Labs' Large-Scale Programming Research Department, and AT&T Fellow, and AT&T Bell Laboratories Fellow, and an ACM fellow. His research interests include distributed systems, operating systems, simulation, design, and programming. He is Editor for Addison-Wesley's C++ In-Depth Series.


  Bjarne Stroustrup is the designer and original implementor of C++ and the author of the C++ Programming Language( first edition 1985, second edition 1991, third edition 1997) The Annotated C++ Refernce manual, and The Design and Evolution of C++. A graduate of the University of Aarhus, Denmark, and Cambridge University, England, Dr.Stroustrup is currently the head of At &T Labs Large-Scale Programming Research Department, and AT&T Fellow, and AT&T Bell Laboratories Fellow, and an ACM fellow. His research interests include distributed systems, operating systems, simulation, design, and programming. He is Editor for Addison-Wesleys C++ In-Depth Series.


Preface to First EditionIntroductory Material  1  Notes to the Reader  2  A Tour of C++  3  A Tour of the Standard LibraryPart I: Basic Facilities  4 Types and Declarations  5  Pointers, Arrays, and Structures  6  Expressions and Statements    7  Functions  8  Namespaces and Exceptions  9  Source Files and ProgramsPart II: Abstraction Mechanisms  10  Classes  11  Operator Overloading  12  Derived Classes  13  Templates    14  Exception Handling  15  Class HierarchiesPart III: The Standard Library  16  Library Organization and Containers    17  Standard Containers  18  Algorithms and Function Objects    19  Iterators and Allocators  20  Strings  21  Streams  22  NumericsPart IV: Design Using C++  23  Development and Design  24  Design and Programming  25  Roles of ClassesAppendices  A  The C++ Grammar  B  Compatibility  C  Technicalities  D  Locales  E  Standard Library Exception SafetyIndex




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