
出版时间:2005-5  出版社:北京理工大学出版社  作者:黄立新 编  页数:167  




第一章 汽车的历史汽车是怎样发展而来的汽车是怎么诞生的第二章 汽车发动机什么是发动机发动机是如何工作的什么是曲轴、飞轮燃油喷射器是如何工作的汽车冷却系统是如何工作的第三章 底盘底盘离合器是如何工作的什么是变速器制动系统是如何工作的转向系统是如何工作的为什么需要差速器第四章 汽车电器什么是蓄电池汽车是如何起动的什么是点火系统照明系统系统诊断第五章 汽车的发展赛车车辆识别码第六章 检测工具怎样使用万用表什么是V.A.G1552第七章 维护保养如何维护发动机怎样维护汽车外表第八章 信息检索搜索引擎怎样检索网络信息附录汽车译名对照


  The crankshaft is a one-piece casting or forging of heat treated alloy steel of Considerable mechani-cal strength. The crankshaft must be strong enough to take the downward thrusts of the pistons duringthe power strokes without excessive distortion. In addition, the crankshaft must be carefully balancedto eliminate undue vibration resulting from the weight of the offset cranks. To provide balance, crank-shafts have counterweights opposite the cranks. Crankshafts have drilled oil passages through which oilcan flow from the main to the connecting-rod bearings. The front end of the crankshaft carries three devices, the gear or sprocket that drives the cam-shaft, the vibration damper, and the fan belt pulley. The pulley drives the engine fan, water pump,and generator with a V belt. Flywheel The flow of power from the engine cylinders is not smooth. Although the power impulses overlap( on six- and eight-cylinder engines), there are times when more power is being delivered than at othertimes. This tends to make the crankshaft speed up and then slow down. However, the flywheel com-bats the tendency. The flywheel is a comparatively heavy wheel bolted to the rear end of the crank-shaft. The inertia of the flywheel tends to keep it turning at constant speed. Thus, the flywheel absorbsenergy as the crankshaft tries to speed up and gives back energy as the crankshaft tries to slow down.In effect, the flywheel absorbs power from the engine during the power stroke (or speedup time) andthen gives it back to the engine during the other three strokes (or slowdown time) of the cycle.



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