
出版时间:2009-8  出版社:人民邮电出版社  作者:卡梅伦  页数:355  


  If anything at all can be deduced from the two quotations at the top of this page,perhaps it is this: Combinatorics is an essential part of the human spirit; but it isa all.cult subject for the abstract, axiomatising Bourbaki school of mathematics tocomprehend. Nevertheless, the advent of computers and electronic communicationshave made it a more important subject than ever.  This is a textbook on combinatorics. Its based on my experience of more thantwenty years of research and, more specifically, on teaching a course at Queen Maryand Westfield College, University of London, since 1986. The book presupposessome mathematical knowledge. The first part (Chapters 2-11) could be studied bya second-year British undergraduate; but I hope that more advanced students willfind something interesting here too (especially in the Projects, which may be skippedwithout much loss by beginners). The second half (Chapters 12-20) is in a morecondensed style, more suited to postgraduate students.  I am grateful to many colleagues, friends and students for all kinds of contribu-tions, some of which are acknowledged in the text; and to Neill Cameron, for theillustration on p. 128.  I have not provided a table of dependencies between chapters. Everything isconnected; but combinatorics is, by nature, broad rather than deep. The moreimportant connections are indicated at the start of the chapters.


这本优秀的组合数学教材是作者20多年研究和教学经验的结晶。全书分成初级篇和高级篇两个部分,共18章内容,每章都以“专题一技术一算法”的模式呈现,阐述深入浅出,简明易懂。本书几乎涵盖了组合数学中所有有趣的主题,如中国邮递员问题、中国的九连环问题、友谊定理等,当然也收集了若干前沿内容。    本书适合作为高等院校高年级本科生与低年级研究生的组合数学课程教材,也适合各理工学科科研人员参考。


Peter J.Cameron,世界著名组合数学家,伦敦大学玛丽皇后学院纯数学中心主任,现任英国组合数学委员会主席,1971年牛津大学博士毕业,师从Peter M.Neumann。1979年获得伦敦数学会颁发的怀德海奖(Whitehead Prize),2003年获得欧拉奖。已发表学术论文250多篇。


1. What is Combinatorics?2. On numbers and counting3. Subsets, partitions, permutations4. Recurrence relations and generating functions5. The Principle of Inclusion and Exclusion6. Latin squares and SDRs7. Extremal set theory8. Steiner triple systems9. Finite geometry10. Ramsey's Theorem11. Graphs12. Posets, lattices and matroids13. More on partitions and permutations14. Automorphism groups and permutation groups15. Enumeration under group action16. Designs17. Error-correcting codes18. Graph colourings19. The infinite20. Where to from here?Answers to selected exercisesBibliographyIndex


  “……非常适合用作高年级本科生或研究生的教材,同时也是一本很优秀的参考书……所选内容非常精彩。”  ——The UMAP Journal  “本书篇幅不大,内容却很丰富……是其他教材重要的补充读物……”  ——M.Henle,Choice


  《组合数学专题、技术与算法(英文版)》是组台数学领域的名著,既涵盖了组合数学中所有经典主题,也收集了若干前沿内容。对很多内容给出构造证明或算法证明,比已经存在的一些证明更有价值。书中示例丰富,每章配有习题,书后还给出部分习题的答案。  《组合数学专题、技术与算法(英文版)》是作者20多年研究和教学经验的结晶,阐述深入浅出,简明易懂,非常适合作为教材或参考书。《组合数学专题、技术与算法(英文版)》已经被加州大学伯克利分校、伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳一尚佩恩分校等用作教材。




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  •   此书为英文版,字太小,阅读有点累人.不过内容丰富,包含组合计数/图论/组合设计/组合优化等方面的内容,偏重于组合计数和算法方面.值得一读.
  •   感觉还可以,内容和别的同类书籍相似
  •   这是本好书,对于入门的同学来说不错

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