
出版时间:2009-8  出版社:国防工业出版社  作者:黄小蓉  页数:214  


  2004年,教育部制定了《大学英语课程教学要求》,提出“大学英语的教学目标是培养学生的英语综合应用能力,特别是听说能力,使他们在今后工作和社会交往中能用英语有效地进行口头和书面的信息交流”。  根据上述的教学要求,大学英语这门课程教学的中心任务,就是培养学生的“英语综合应用能力”。然而,这种综合应用能力的核心又是什么呢?语言教育学家海默斯(Hymes)从语言认知和语言教学角度出发,对乔姆斯基(Chomsky)提出的语言能力(language competence)的概念做了释义和扩展,认为语言交际能力(the communieative competenee)具有四个组成部分,即可能性(possibility)——生成合乎语法的句子的能力;可行性(feasibility)——生成能够为人脑所理解的句子的能力;适宜性(appropriateness)——在具体的社会变化场合准确使用语言形式的能力;行事性(performance)——使用语言表达思想的行为或事物。后来,西方的一些语言教育学者和专家们就依据海默斯的观点,拟定出了相应的语言交际功能教学大纲、意念功能大纲和情景交际大纲等。迄今为止,在我国大学英语教育界,按照蔡基刚教授的说法,已经编出和推出了四代大学英语教材。而当前呼之欲出的该是第五代大学英语教材了。


本书是《应用型大学英语教程》的第l册,以《大学英语课程教学要求》为依据,考虑到与中学教学内容的衔接,以充实、完善、提高为目标,以听说读写等交际能力培养为核心,突出听说、背诵、师生课堂交流,激活课堂气氛为手段。本书分10个单元,每单元以Let’s Listen and Speak为导入点,以Focus Reading为读写中心,以Stressed Words和Sentences for Imitation and Recitation为技能训练亮点,巩固和发展基本语音语调、语法结构、词汇运用能力,为学生顺利通过大学英语四、六级考试和高等学校英语应用能力考试打下牢固基础。考虑到学生通过多媒体和网络进行自主学习的需要,本书每单元均设有Study More on the Topic by Surfing the Internet专项练习。本书内容精练,主题突出,情趣精彩,活泼多样,寓教于乐。    本书适合作为普通高等学校公共英语基础课教材使用。


UnitPart Ⅰ Lets Listen and SpeakOneNice to Meet YouShort Conversations on College LifeTWOPractice Makes PerfectHow to Remember WordsThreeExpressing GratefulnessThanksgivingFourEnvironmental IssuesEnvironmental Problems in the WorldFiveTransgenic FoodsShort Conversations Oil Science and TechnologySixYouve Got to Work HardEducation System in the UKSevenHarry PotterShort Conversation on Arts and EntertainmentEightTalk about PetsA Day at the ZooNineIm Fighting with My ParentsDifferent Music Appeals toDifferent GenerationsTenTalk about a ConcertAfter the OperaSupplementary Reading MaterialsGlossary参考文献


  Survive Freshman Year  1 There is no such thing as a "typical" freshman. Students face many challenges when theyre fresh out of high school. College is much more difficult academically. College life can be a big social adjustment, too. Many students are living on, their own away from home for the first time. With so many new demands, managing ones time can be difficult,  2 Success means managing classes, study time, jobs, and social activities effectively. Just as there are many challenges, there are also many ways for freshmen to increase their chances for succeeding in college.  3 Get Involved  Many students drop out of college or have difficulties due to isolation from peers and staff. Involvement in clubs, organizations, study groups, etc. often makes the transition from high school to college easier. By talking with peers, you will be able to support one another during this crucial time. Communicating with staff and professors will help you deal with study issues. Therefore, its important to cooperate and interact with people both socially and academically.


  依据大学英语教学要求,针对普通高校教学实践;  贴近学生英语接受水平,寻求合理布局易教易学;  摆脱冗余重复教学环节,强调学精学会学以致用;  严格坚持课文选材标准,追求时文经典匹配得体;  编写层次架构系统明晰,融结构与功能自然一体;  突出听说交际能力培养,阅读能力提高允许差异;  强调背诵朗读基本技巧,标定每课强记咏诵句段;  课文编排坚持循序渐进,练习内容紧扣课文要点;  视阶段不同设相应措施,寓教于乐激发学生兴趣;  引领学生积极自主学习,运用网络多种途径提高;  兼顾就业应试双向目标,根据社会需求调整教学。



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