出版时间:2009-8  出版社:鲁迅、杨宪益、 戴乃迭 外文出版社 (2009-08出版)  作者:鲁迅  页数:437  译者:杨宪益,戴乃迭  


NEARLY ten years have passed since I began to lectureon the history of Chinese fiction, and this brief outlinewas first printed seven years ago.Since then much re-search has been done in this field and new discoveries havecleared up certain points which were obscure.For example,the discovery by Professor Shionoya Akushi of the mutilatedYuan dynasty edition of Illustrated Vernacular Tales andFeng Meng-lung's three collections of popular stories, as wellas his researches on these, are of major significance in thehistory of Chinese fiction; and the contention of some Chi-nese scholars that there should be separate histories for thefiction of different periods is a sound one. All this meansthat my brief outline should now be outdated; but since nonew histories have yet been written, there are still readers forthese notes. For a new edition, this book should by rights berevised, but since I started moving from place to place I havegiven up literary studies, and have nothing but a vague rec-ollection of what I wrote in the past.So I simply made afew changes in Chapters 14, 15 and 21, keeping the otherchapters unchanged as I have no new theories regardingthem. Since great vessels take years to produce, this earthen-ware pot of mine still serves some purpose; but though thisfact has prolonged the life of my book, I am disheartenedby this dearth of new writing.


  This book was written by Lu Hsun, pioneer and standard-bearer of modern Chinese literature, during the early 1920s. It is a study of the historical development of Chinese fiction from- early myths and legends, down to wall-developed long novels written at the end of the Qing Dynasty.


Lu Hsun (1881-1936), originally named ZhouShuren (or Chou Shujen), has been consideredas one of the most influential Chinese writers andthinkers in the 20th century. He went to Japan tostudy medicine in 1902, but put down the scalpeland took up the pen four years later, with the hopethat art and literature could reform the nationalspirit of the Chinese people.In May 1918, for the first time under thepseudonym of Lu Hsun (or Lu Xun), he publishedThe Diary of a Madman, the first vernacular fictionin modern Chinese literary history, and thus became a standard bearer of the New Culture Movement.His works mainly consist of fiction and satirical essays. The representative works are: the fictioncollections Call to Arms, Wandering and Old TalesRetold; the prose collection Dawn Flowers Pluckedat Dusk; and the essay collections Tomb, Bad Luck,Mixed Dialects, And That's That, etc. Many of hisworks have been translated into more than 50languages, including English, Japanese, Russian,Spanish, French and German. Lu Hsun was also adistinguished scholar in the academic field. Worksin this regard include A Brief History of Chinese Fiction and Compendia of Chinese Literature History.


Preface to the New EditionPreface1. The Historians' Accounts and Evaluations of Fiction2. Myths and Legends 3. Works of Fiction Mentioned in "The Han Dynasty History"4. Fiction Attributed to Hart Dynasty Writers5. Tales of the Supernatural in the Six Dynasties6. Tales of the Supernatural in the Six Dynasties (Continued)7. Social Talk and Other Works8. The Tang Dynasty Prose Romances9. The Tang Dynasty Prose Romances (Continued)10. Collections of Tang Dynasty Tales11. Supernatural Tales and Prose Romances in the Sung Dynasty12. Story-Tellers' Prompt-Books of the Sung Dynasty13. Imitations of Prompt-Books in the Sung and Yuan Dynasties14. Historical Romances of the Yuan and Ming Dynasties15. Historical Romances of the Yuan and Ming Dynasties (Continued)16. Ming Dynasty Novels About Gods and Devils17. Ming Dynasty Novels About Gods and Devils (Continued)18. Ming Dynasty Novels About Gods and Devils (Continued)19. Novels of Manners in the Ming Dynasty20. Novels of Manners in the Ming Dynasty (Continued)21. Ming Dynasty Imitations of Sung Stories in the Vernacular22. Imitations of Classical Tales in the Ching Dynasty23. Novels of Social Satire in the Ching Dynasty24. Novels of Manners in the Ching Dynasty25. Novels of Erudition in the Ching Dynasty26. Novels About Prostitution in the Ching Dynasty27. Novels of Adventure and Detection in the Ching Dynasty28. Novels of Exposure at the End of the Ching DynastyPostscriptAppendices:The Historical Development of Chinese FictionPreface to the Japanese EditionIndex


Hsiao-shuo were the talk of the streets.Thus the TsoChuan quotes chair-bearers' chants while the Book ofSongs praises the ruler who consulted rustics.In days ofold when a sage was on the throne, the official historianswrote records, blind minstrels made songs, artisans recitedadmonitions, ministers gave advice, gentlemen discoursedand the common people gossiped. Clappers sounded in earlyspring as a search was made for folk songs, while officerson tours of inspection understood local customs from thepopular songs; and if mistakes had been made these wererectified. All the talk of the streets and highways was re-corded. Officers at court took charge of local records andprohibitions, while the officers in charge of civil affairsreported local sayings and customs. Thus Confucius said:"Even by-ways are worth exploring. But if we go too farwe may be bogged down."In the first half of the tenth century, Liu Hsu and othersdrew up the bibliographical section of the Tang DynastyHistory based on the Record of Books Ancient and Modernby Wu Ching and others, shortening it by cutting out thepreface and notes.So we find no comments on books inthe official Tang history.The hsiao-shuo listed here differlittle from those enumerated in the Sui Dynasty History;but works no longer extant are omitted, while Chang Hua'sRecords of Strange Things, formerly classified as miscellane-ous writings, is added.In the middle of the eleventh century, Tseng Kung-liangand other Sung dynasty scholars were ordered to edit theNew Tang Dynasty History, and Ouyang Hsiu wrote thebibliographical section.







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