
出版时间:2009-10  出版社:外文出版社  作者:霍桑  页数:288  


霍桑(1804-1864),美国作家,十九世纪后期美国浪漫主义文学的重要代表。其代表作《红字》一经问世便引起巨大轰动,时至今日仍是不朽的经典。     《红字》描写了二百多年以前发生在新英格兰殖民时期一个浪漫的爱情悲剧。小说以深邃的主题,以象征、隐喻等艺术手法形成独特的风格,对美国文学史上一批卓有成就的作家如梅尔维尔、海明威、菲茨杰拉德、福克纳等都产生过影响。     本书为《世界名著佳段阅读》丛书之一。


  "Then why not reveal them here?" askedRoger Chillingworth, glancing quietly aside at theminister. "Why should not the guilty ones sooner availthemselves of this unutterable solace?"  "They mostly do," said the clergyman, gripinghard at his breast, as if afflicted with an importunatethrob of pain. "Many, many a poor soul hath givenits confidence to me, not only on the death-bed, butwhile strong in life, and fair in reputation. And ever,after such an outpouring, oh, what a relief have Iwitnessed in those sinful brethren! even as in one who at last draws free air, after long stifling with his ownpolluted breath. How can it be otherwise? Why shoulda wretched man, guilty, we will say, of murder, preferto keep the dead corpse buried in his own heart, ratherthan fling it forth at once, and let the universe takecare of it?"  "Yet some men bury their secrets thus,"observed the calm physician.  "True; there are such men," answered MrDimmesdale. "But, not to suggest more obviousreasons, it may be that they are kept silent by the veryconstitution of their nature. Or, —— can we not supposeit? —— guilty as they may be, retaining, nevertheless, a zeal for Gods glory and mans welfare, they shrinkfrom displaying themselves black and filthy in theview of men; because, thenceforward, no good can beachieved by them; no evil of the past be redeemed bybetter service. So, to their own unutterable torment;they go about among their fellow-creatures, lookingpure as new-faUen snow; while their hearts are allspeckled and spotted with iniquity of which theycannot rid themselves."  "These men deceive themselves," said RogerChillingworth, with somewhat more emphasis thanusual, and making a shght gesture with his forefinger."





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用户评论 (总计8条)


  •   虽然刚拿到手,热乎乎的,但我特别想快点看,肯定很精彩,字体刚好合适
  •   很好,提高了阅读能力,丰富了课外知识
  •   学英语的话是挺不错的读物,心理描写很出彩。美中不足是此书仅节选了重要片段,故不得览全书之芳容。然而以这个价格来说,已经挺厚道了。
  •   学外语可以看一看
  •   小说以两百多年前的殖民地时代的美洲为题材,但揭露的却是19世纪资本主义发展时代美利坚合众国社会典法的残酷、宗教的欺骗和道德的虚伪。主人公海丝特被写成了崇高道德的化身。她不但感化了表里不一的丁梅斯代尔,同时也在感化着充满罪恶的社会。
  •   到手版本不是很喜欢,虽然是双语的,总觉得是初中生读本。
  •   not bad
  •   《红字》值得一读,好书。但是原本要买中文版的,结果送来的是中英文佳段欣赏。哎、、、、、、、

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