
出版时间:2009-1  出版社:外文出版社  作者:曾庆南  页数:188  


Traditional Chinese medicine is by no means limited to herbal medication and acupuncture; its many branches of therapeutic methods include exercise therapies such as qigong and massage, which have an even longer history than medication. They were not only recorded in medical literature, but have also been handed down and widely disseminated among the Chinese as self-health care measures because of their simplicity and effectiveness. In this book, the editor has selected only a limited portion of these measures.Most of the diseases that can be prevented and treated by these measures are "minor" problems, not so serious as cancers and cardiovascular seizures. However, these "minor" problems are so common that they cause great suffering and enormous economic loss if the whole community is considered. "Health for all by the year 2000," advocated by the World Health Organization, is becoming the common goal of people all over the world. One of the fundamental approaches to meeting this goal is the participation of people at the community level; they need to have easy access to simple methods that will improve their health. This collection of health care measures can partly meet this requirement.




PrefacePart One Methods of Curing Diseases Treatment of White Hair Treatment of Myopia with Still Qigong  A Therapeutic Exercise for Stiff Neck  Prevention and Treatment of Cervical Spondylosis by Writing a Chinese Character  Exercise for Periarthritis of the Shoulder  Patting as Treatment for Shoulder Pain and Backache  Abdomen-Kneading -- A Remedy for Gastrointestinal Diseases  Treatment of Lower Back Pain -- "Back-Moving"  Treatment of Sciatica -- Lying, Sitting and Standing  Anus-Lifting Exercise -- A Method for Preventing and Treating Hemorrhoids  Waist-Rubbing Exercise  "Waist-Turning" Exercise -- A Remedy for Constipation An Effective Treatment for Enuresis Treatment of Pain in the Knee Joint by Physical Exercise  Self-Massage for Insomnia  Massage Treatment of Meniere's Syndrome  Rubbing the Arch of the Foot and Massaging the Head and Neck to Lower Blood Pressure  Digital Acupoint Pressure for Treating Common Ailments in the Aged  Treatment of Headache, Syncope, Lumbago, Angina Pectoris and Nocturnal Emission by Digital Acupoint Pressure  Prevention and Treatment of Systremma(Cramp in the Leg)……Part Two Methods of Keeping Fit


插图:Treatment of Myopia with Still QigongWhy can myopia be treated with still qigong? Traditional Chinese medical theory states that all human biological activities depend on blood circulation and qi promotion. Blood will not flow ifqi is obstructed. Still qigong mobilizes and concentrates the essential qi of the visceral organs in the human body, promotes its flow in the channels and collaterals, and regulates qi and blood to normalize blood circulation and supply the eyes with adequate nutrients. Thus, the tension of the eyes will be relieved and self-accommodation restored.The essentials of still qigong in treating myopia are as follows: to practice relaxation, still qigong first relaxes the body and makes the mind tranquil to normalize the qi and blood; then it guides the qi to the hands, and finally regulates the qi and blood of the ocular muscles by the external qi emitted by the hands. Qigong is anything but mysterious, because everyone has qi Once qigong is properly practiced, the "feeling of qi" will soon appear.Still qigong is characterized by its simplicity, safety and beneficial effects on true myopia, pseudo myopia and hereditary myopia in both youths and adults.


《Methods of Traditional Chinese Health Care(一学就会:常见病的治疗)(英文版)》:The science of acupuncture and moxibustion is an important component of traditional Chinese medicine used in the prevention and treatment of disease. This therapy has been widely practiced by the Chinese people for thousands of years.



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