
出版时间:2009-1  出版社:电子工业出版社  作者:侯进  页数:239  字数:420000  


  一本合用的书往往会成为你工作学习中的“好参谋”、“好助手”。  在当前网络化、全球化的信息时代,人们学习英语、学习计算机与网络技术的热情空前高涨。特别是计算机及相关专业的本科生、研究生,他们既希望能熟练地阅读英文文献,也希望能用地道的英语发表论文向国外刊物投稿,为今后走出国门,用英语参与国际学术交流和宣读论文做好充分的准备。  本书的作者侯进博士,长期留学国外并从事多项合作科学研究,对如何学好、用好专业英语有切身的心得体会。回国后,她为计算机、自动化等专业的本科生和研究生主讲专业英语课程,在计算机和英语两方面都有丰富的实际经验和高深的学术造诣。她性格开朗,工作热情,在本书中结合自己的成功经历,用生动的英语和明快的笔调,告诉读者如何用英语在网上检索资料、撰写论文、向国外权威刊物投稿,如何获取签证,在国际学术会议上用英语宣读论文。书中还为读者准备了一些有趣的学科前沿性内容,如GIS、Avatar等。  读者只要浏览一下本书的目录,或者阅读一下自己感兴趣的某些章节,就一定会为本书的内容新颖、语句流畅、生动易学、简洁实用等特色所吸引。  PracticeMakesPerfect.要想学好用好专业英语尤其需要这样。  衷心希望读者能通过本书的学习,在提高英语听、说、读、写能力以及开拓计算机技术和国际学术交流方面都能取得新的成功!


  本书结合作者长期在国外用英语做研究的经验,尝试传授一些真正对学生有用的知识,旨在培养读者把英文作为工作语言,提高读者专业英语的运用能力。本书分为4部分,主要内容包括:如何用英语在国际会议上做学术演讲,英文科技论文和毕业论文的写作规范及技巧,如何向国际刊物投稿,如何选题及如何检索文献等,还介绍了计算机专业前沿课题动向,以及学术研究新成果、新方法、新技术,并附相关学术论文。本书还给学生提供一些长期在国外从事研究的专家学者的建议和经验,帮助他们逐步学会独立创新工作的能力。本书每节后都附有词汇表、习题和相关附录,并提供课文朗读录音和电子课件。     本书可作为高等学校计算机和信息类专业研究生和本科生的专业英语教材,也可供使用英语从事科研工作的科研人员学习参考。


PART 1  METHODOLOGIES & SKILLS  Chapter 1  How to Make a Research Presentation    1.1  When Do We Need to Make a Presentation?    1.2  The Structure of a Presentation    1.3  Sample    1.4  Pay Attention    1.5  Practical Tricks    Vocabularies    Phrases    Abbreviations    Exercises    Appendix Ⅰ    Appendix Ⅱ    Appendix Ⅲ  Chapter 2  How to Write a Scientific Paper    2.1  The Clear Structure of a Scientific Paper    2.2  Abstract    2.3  Introduction and Conclusion    2.4  Main Body of a Paper    2.5  Reference    2.6  Useful Tricks    Vocabularies    Phrases    Abbreviations    Exercises    Appendix Ⅰ    Appendix Ⅱ  Chapter 3  How to Write a Ph.D./Master Thesis    3.1  The Common Structure of a Thesis  ~    3.2  Cover Page    3.3  Abstract    3.4  Acknowledgements    3.5  Table of Contents and List of Figures/Tables    3.6  Chapters    3.7  List of Publications    3.8  Bibliography    Vocabularies    Phrases    Abbreviations    Exercises    Appendix Ⅰ    Appendix Ⅱ  Chapter 4  How to Attend an International Conference     4.1  Purpose     4.2  Call for Paper (CFP)     4.3  Write and Submit a Paper to an International Conference "     4.4  Notification of Acceptance     4.5  Apply for a Visa     4.6  Present a Paper     Vocabularies     Phrases     Abbreviations     Exercises     Appendix Ⅰ    Appendix Ⅱ  ……PART 2 NEW TECHNOLOGIESPART 3 ADVICES & EXAMPLESSuggested Answers for DiscussionBibliography


  Setting means opening up the subject.Your subject may be nonverbal languagein human·computer interaction,face detection in images,or whatever.Setting letsthe reader see your research area at a glance.Review of literature means surveyingthe past work relevant to this paper.Here you should mention previous works andboth of their contribution and limitation.Then you indicate the current gap or theproblem that will be resolved in your paper,and what your research motivation orpurpose is.Next introduce your method,and briefly describe what have been doneand achieved from this work.Finally overview the contents in this paper to give aclear clue.  Conclusion simply summarizes what has been accomplished in this paper.Thissection reemphasizes the main purpose or hypothesis of this work,reviews findings,describes advantages and limitations as well,and recommends possible applicationsand future direction.  The introduction and conclusion look actually similar,and they are frequentlythe hardest parts of the paper to write.So it is recommended to leave them until afterthe main body of the paper is written.Many readers would read only the introductionand conclusion of your paper.The two sections must be written carefully andthoroughly,SO the basic idea of your research can be understood by someone whodoes not read the main body of your paper.






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