
出版时间:2013-1  出版社:学而思旗下乐加乐英语中考研究中心 电子工业出版社 (2013-01出版)  作者:学而思旗下乐加乐英语中考研究中心  


《中考英语三轮复习:21天攻克中考完形填空(中考必备)》由学而思旗下乐加乐英语中考研究中心编著。完形存在大量的上下文联系,采用图解的方式,便于学生形象记忆,掌握完形解题技巧。根据题型,分类讲解,便于学生掌握做题方法,包括:语法、固定搭配、上下文联系、语义辨析。每日讲解后,配有近年中考真题、一模、二模题。改编自国外原版资料、We English等资料改编新题。练习中配有高频词汇记忆。


Day1:命题解读中考英语完形填空命题规律及趋势解读 Day2:专项详解攻克语法(一) Day3:专项详解攻克语法(二) Day4:专项详解攻克逻辑关系 Day5:专项详解攻克上下文推理(一)——原文重现 Day6:专项详解攻克上下文推理(二)——反义推理 Day7:专项详解攻克上下文推理(三)——进一步推理 Day8:专项详解攻克上下文推理(四)——情感推理 Day9:专项详解攻克上下文推理(五)——态度推理 Day10:专项详解攻克词义辨析 Day11:真题演练Practice1 Day12:真题演练Practice2 Day13:真题演练Practice3 Day14:真题演练Practice4 Day15:真题演练Practice5 Day16:真题演练Practice6 Day17:真题演练Practice7 Day18:真题演练Practice8 Day19:真题演练Practice9 Day20:实战模拟Practice1 Day21:实战模拟Practice2


版权页:   Alicia was_______.She didn't expect the man to give her an answer like that. ( ) A.surprised B.worried C.excited D.relaxed 6.[ 2011广东东莞52 ] Mr.Know asked the poor man some questions.But he made no answer.At last Mr.Know said,"This man is dumb.He cannot speak." "Oh," the rich man shouted_______."He can! He spoke to me when I met him." ( ) A.quietly B.angrily C.happily D.heavily 7.[ 2011江苏泰州,26 ] He again put the basket into the river and ran hard.But there wasn't anything in it again.He said __,"Look,grandpa,it's useless!" ( ) A.sadly B.hopefully C.excitedly D.happily 8.[ 2011江苏无锡,22 ] A strong wind suddenly lifted (拾起) her hat and sent it into the branches (枝) of an old tree.The woman tried to get her hat with a stick,but she failed.She seemed_______ because she clearly was not dressed for tree-climbing. ( ) A.bored B.relaxed C.frightened D.worried 9.[ 2011辽宁沈阳,34 ] McCarthy said he was __ of himself and that the tower now holds special meaning."When I'm older,I'll point to the building and say 'Look at this building I climbed'," he said. ( ) A.thinking B.talking C.worried D.proud 10.[ 2012北京平谷区一模,40 ] Then he saw the rest of his family were still in the car - in the water.He took a big breath and swam back to save first Mac,and then Rosie.Christopher,from England,said: " I didn't think about it and only knew I had to get them out.I was _______,but it was all happening so fast,and I didn't really think about the danger." ( ) A.hurried B.frightened C.expected D.tired 11.[ 2011江苏淮安,26 ] "1 know you like collecting very much," she said,looking down at my __ face."Here is the book about collecting stamps that you are looking for.Now,the book is yours and I shall not punish you.Remember,it's because you told the truth." ( ) A.nervous B.pretty C.happy D.square 12.[ 2011湖北襄阳,42 ] I grabbed (抓取) it and ran upstairs.I wondered why my dad did not understand how __ I was to see my mid-year report card for my first year in middle school.I was really hurt by how he refused to consider all my hard work.





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用户评论 (总计10条)


  •   中考英语三轮复习:21天攻克中考完形填空(中考必备) 不错。
  •   中考前的题海中,一朵浪花
  •   教材配套,必须买,很好。
  •   基础知识总结的好,我很喜欢!
  •   内容很好,很实用,很适合中考复习
  •   学而思的书,不错。印刷啥的,没得说!
  •   很好的书,当练习每天做一点。
  •   还没时间用,小孩暑假要旅游和玩。
  •   翻了翻,觉的不错,赞一个
  •   里面有详解 很详细 很不错棒

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