
出版时间:2009-6  出版社:北京大学出版社  作者:Lothar Gutjahr 等原著,郑玮 编译  页数:86  字数:138000  


  我国高职高专教育的春天来到了。随着国家对高职高专教育重视程度的加深,职业技能教材体系的建设成为了当务之急。高职高专过去沿用和压缩大学本科教材的时代一去不复返了。  语言学家Harmer指出:“如果我们希望学生学到的语言是在真实生活中能够使用的语言,那么在教材编写中接受技能和产出技能的培养也应该像在生活中那样有机地结合在一起。”  教改的关键在教师。教师的关键在教材,教材的关键在理念。我们依据《高职高专教育英语课程教学基本要求》的精神和编者做了大量调查,秉承“实用为主,够用为度,学以致用,触类旁通”的原则,历经两年艰辛,为高职高专学生编写了这套专业技能课和实训课的英语教材。


本教材可供商务英语专业学生使用,内容涉及整个购销领域。本教材既可用作专业英语精读教材,也可用作辅助性教材。        本教材主要特点有:    ·选材广泛,涉及购销各个主要领域。    ·听力材料真实(详见所配听力光盘)。    ·文件和信函真实。    ·角色模仿生动逼真。    ·每个单元由各种热身活动导入。    ·每个单元最后提供选择性课文和讨论话题。    ·附录包括:答案、听力材料、词汇表以及有用的短语和词汇。


1 Jobs and responsiblllties2 New Contacts3 Offers4 Negotiations5 Orders6 Customer carePAGE APPENDIX  Test Yourself!  Partner Files  Answer Key  Transcripts  A-Z Word List  Useful Phrases and Vocabulary


  Well, first of all, I am constantly telephoning people and writing emails. You have to maintain contact with your clients if you want to succeed. This means that I also often visit them to present our products or to make offers. I go to a lot of trade fairs too, both to look for new contacts and to keep in touch with old clients. One thing I find quite difficult is negotiating contracts, you know, agreeing the terms and conditions of the sale. That can sometimes be tricky. And of course handling complaints is not my favorite task either, although I try to see complaints as an opportunity to improve my relationship with the customer.  In the office I spend a lot of time doing market research——the tools we have nowadays are excellent——and also looking at tenders that we may want to make a bid for. I also need to liaise with various internal departments, especially R&D and our production department. Close contact with them is important for making sure our company delivers the service that our customers are looking for.



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