
出版时间:2012-5  出版社:北京大学出版社  作者:常俊跃  页数:234  字数:210000  


  《英语专业复合型人才培养课程教学研究》作研究关注的是英语教育政策的影响,依托"全球力量影响 国家政策斡旋




Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 2 Literature Review
Chapter 3 Research Methodology
Chapter 4 Data Analysis (I) -Positive and Negative Aspects of
the Localised CBI of Applied Specialism Coues
Chapter 5 Data Analysis (II)-Problems with the Localised CBI
ofApplied Specialism Coues
Chapter 6 Conclusion


  In studying the issue of the localised CBI of applied specialism courses in China,this research focused on one institution due to the consideration of the feasibility of the very research.It was also because DUFL constituted a typicalor representative case as was illustrated in Section 3.3.  On the basis of the typical case of DUFL,I carried out the sampling at two levels: the level of specialisms and the level of individuals.  At the level of specialisms,I chose international trade and tourism &hospitality management.Firstly,they were typical in terms of national and institutional interest.Without the experience of quick birth and quick death of some specialisms,they were relatively stable and were more worthy of attention in research.Secondly,they had been practised for a long time and had achieved a certain degree of maturity.Thirdly,they could provide all.The possible respondents required in the research.  At the level of individuals,I intended to examine the perceptions of those who were most relevant to the practice so as to understand the impact of the localised CBI of applied specialism courses.Therefore,the samplinginvolved:  1)8 fourth-year undergraduates who had experienced the localised CBI of applied specialism courses and had some knowledge of the job market,  2)2 groups of undergraduates who had been experienang the localised CBI of applied speaalism courses,  3)4 lecturers who had been providing the applied speaalism courses in English,  4)4 graduates who had experienced the localised CBI of appliedspecialism courses and were pursuing further education or working inrelevant areas,  5)4 administrators who had been coordinating or organising the teaching of applied specialism courses in DUFL.  While selecting each of these groups,I tried to ensure their representativeness of the relevant population according to their involvement in the localised CBI of applied speaalism courses.  Undergraduate samples were obtained through "simple randomsampling" (Cohen et al.2000,p.l00).When I availed myself of the completelists of the fourth-year undergraduates who had been experiencing the localised CBI of applied specialism courses,I selected eight from the namelists,reached them with the help of their advisors in charge,and got their permission to conduct interviews.  ……




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