
出版时间:2008-12  出版社:清华大学出版社  作者:比尔  页数:322  


  由Ferdinand P.Beer等编写的Mechanics ofMaterials(Fourth Edition in SI
and Sample Problems”和“Homework ProblemSets”,每章后面还设有“Chapter Review
and Summary”、“Review


作者:(美国)比尔(Ferdinand P. Beer) 改编:张燕 王红囡 彭丽


1 Introduction--Concept of Stress
 1.1 Introduction
 1.2 Stresses in the Members of a Structure
 1.3 Analysis and Design
 1.4 Axial Loading; Normal Stress
 1.5 Shearing Stress
 1.6 Bearing Stress in Connections
 1.7 Application to the Analysis and Design of Simple
  Problems 1.1
 1.8 Stress on an Oblique Plane under, Axial Loading
 1.9 Stress under General Loading Conditions; Components of
 1.10 Design Considerations
  Problems 1.2
  Review and Summary for Chapter 1
  Review Problems
  Computer Problems
2 Stress and Strain--Axial Loading
 2.1 Introduction
 2.2 Normal Strain under Axial Loading
 2.3 Stress- Strain Diagram
 2.4 Hooke's Law; Modulus of Elasticity
 2.5 Elastic versus Plastic Behavior of a Material
 2.6 Repeated Loadings; Fatigue
 2.7 Deformations of Members under Axial Loading
  Problems 2.1
 2.8 Statically Indeterminate Problems
  Problems 2.2
 2.9 Poisson's Ratio
 2.10 Multiaxial Loading; Generalized Hooke's Law
 2.11 Shearing Strain
  Problems 2.3
 2.12 Stress and Strain Distribution under Axial Loading;
Saint-Venant's Principle
 2.13 Stress Concentrations
  Problems 2.4
  Review and Summary for Chapter 2
  Review Problems
  Computer Problems
3 Torsion
 3.1 Introduction
 3.2 Preliminary Discussion of the Stresses In a Shaft
 3.3 Deformations in a Circular Shaft
 3.4 Stresses in the Elastic Range
  Problems 3.1
 3.5 Angle of Twist in the Elastic Range
 3.6 Statically Indeterminate Shafts
  Problems 3.2
 3.7 Design of Transmission Shafts
 3.8 Stress Concentrations in Circular Shafts
  Problems 3.3
  Review and Summary for Chapter 3
  Review Problems
  Computer Problems
4 Pure Bending
5 Analysis and Design of Beams for Bnding
6 Shearing Stresses in Beams
7 Transformations of Stress and Strain
8 Principal Stresses Under a Given Loaing
9 Deflection of Beams
10 Columns


版权页:   插图:   when equal and opposite torques are applied to the ends of the "shaft" (Fig. 3.7b).While sliding will not actually take place in a shaft madeof a homogeneous and cohesive material, the tendency for sliding will exist,showing that stresses occur on longitudinal planes as well as on planes perpendicular to the axis of the shaft. 3.3. Deformations in a Circular Shaft Consider a circular shaft that is attached to a fixed support at one end(Fig. 3.8a).If a torque T is applied to the other end, the shaft will twist,with its free end rotating through an angle called the angle of twist(Fig. 3.8b).Observation shows that,within a certain range of values of T,the angle of twist is proportional to T.It also shows that is proportional to the length L of the shaft.In other words,the angle of twist for a shaft of the same material and same cross section,but twice as long,will be twice as large under the same torque T.One purpose of our analysis-will be to find the specific relation existing among,L,and T;another purpose will be to determine the distribution of shearing stresses in the shaft,which we were unable to obtain in the preceding section on the basis of statics alone. At this point,an important property of circular shafts should be noted:When a circular shaft is subjected to torsion,every, cross section remains plane and undistorted.In other words,while the various cross sections along the shaft rotate through different amounts,each cross section rotates as a solid rigid slab.This is illustrated in Fig. 3.9a,which shows the deformations in a rubber model subjected to torsion.The property we are discussing is characteristic of circular shafts,whether solid or hollow;it is not enjoyed by members of noncircular cross section.For example,when a bar of square cross section is subjected to torsion,its various cross sections warp and do not remain plane(Fig.3.9b).





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用户评论 (总计4条)


  •   美国的教材写得相当有水平的
  •   慢慢啃吧,很好的书!
  •   物流很快,前一天晚上买的,第二天就拿到手了!
  •   算是不错的了 就质量而言 印刷还蛮清晰 内容而言 也是非常好的一本教材 插图都是实物图 简单易懂 语言也很好 对于全英文教学来说十分棒

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