
出版时间:2009-6  出版社:北京师范大学出版社  作者:北京师范大学出版组编 编  页数:86  字数:342000  


人生就像一个五彩缤纷的旅程,雄心和不懈的努力能带我们去往任何地方,良师益友帮助我们明确前进的方向,更重要的是,她能帮助我们提高学习的效率,《名师伴你成长——课时同步学练测》就是这样的良师益友,她汇聚全国各地名师的智慧,帮你学习,伴你成长!    本丛书配合主流教材版本,与教材课时同步,将“方法的学习”、“技能的训练”“水平的测试”等内容分解到第一课时,每一课时设置“理脉络”、“打基础”、“测水平”、“拓眼界”等栏目,既有方法学习又有能力测试,既有技能训练又有视野拓展,帮你学会思想、掌握方法、发展能力、提高水平!每章在复习环节中还设置有“知识框架”、“中考透析”、“名师引领”、“章测试卷”等栏目,帮你更好地复习和巩固相应的内容。


Unit 1 How often do you exercisc?  Section A(1)  Section A(2)  Section B(1)  Section B(2)Unit 2 What's the matter?  Section A(1)  Section A(2)  Section B(1)  Section B(2)Unit 3 What are you doing for   Section A(1)  Section A(2)  Section B(1)  Section B(2)Unit 4 How do you get to school?  Section A(1)  Section A(2)  Section B(1)  Section B(2)Unit 5 Can you come to my party?  Section A(1)  Section A(2)  Section B(1)  Section B(2)Unit 6 I'm more outgoing than  Section A(1)  Section A(2)  Section B(1)  Section B(2)Unit 7 How do you make a bananaUnit 8 How was your school trip?Unit 9 When was he born?Unit 10 I'm going to be a basketballUnit 11 Could you please elean you?Unit 12 What's the best radion statin?期末测试卷参考答案


  Three things are necessary for us to keep a-live .They are air, water and food. Weeat food two or three times every day.Webreathe air continually dayand night.If a man does not eat any food, hecan live for about three weeks if he is stoppedfrom drinking, he can keep alive for about threedays, but if he doesnt breathe, he can keep a-live for only about three minutes. So we see thatbreathing is more important than drinking, anddrinking is more important than eating.



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  •   这套书很不错,跟书是配套的还有配套练习(人教版);因为现在的课本基本上没什么讲解内容,所以有一套这样的同步书还是很不错的。

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