
出版时间:2004-6  出版社:中央广播电视大学出版  作者:穆志纯  页数:305  




Chapter 1 Computer Hardware Fundamentals1.1 The Central Processing Unit1.2 RAM and ROM1.3 Input and OutputChapter 2 Operating Systems2.1 The Definition of Operating System2.2 PC Operating System2.3 Introduction to Windows XPChapter 3 Application Software3.1 What is Application Software3.2 Introduction to Application Software3.3 Introduction to Microsoft WordChapter 4 Database Systems4.1 A Brief Introduction to Database Systems4.2 Different Types of Databases4.3 Introduction to SQL ServerChapter 5 Programming and Design5.1 Introduction to Programming5.2 Programming Languages5.3 Introduction to Visual BasicChapter 6 Software Engineering6.1 Introduction to Software Engineering6.2 Object—Orientation Software Development6.3 Software TestingChapter 7 Computer Networks7.1 A Brief Introduction to Networking Systems7.2 The Internet7.3 Introduction to TCP/IP ProtocolChapter 8 Computer Appl icat ion Systems8.1 Management Information System8.2 Electronic Commerce System8.3 Multimedia SystemChapter 9 Extended Topics of Computer Application9.1 Introduction to Data Warehouse9.2 Computer Virus9.3 Network Security Basics参考译文参考文献



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