
出版时间:2007-7  出版社:复旦大学出版社  作者:周明芳,顾伯清,宋梅 本册主编  页数:全二册  字数:756000  


《21世纪大学实用英语》系列教材根据《高职高专教育英语课程教学基本要求》以及我国高职高专人才培养特点和教学改革的成果编写而成,突出教学内容的实用性和针对性,将语言基础能力的培养与实际涉外交际能力的训练有机地结合起来,以满足21世纪全球化社会经济发展对高职高专人才的要求。   本套教材包括《综合教程》、《综合练习》、《教学参考书》(每一种分为基础教程和1-4册)及配套的音带、多媒体课件、电子教案等。《基础教程》起点词汇量为600词,《综合教程》第一册的起点词汇量为1000词。本套教材供高职高专院校普通英语教学使用。   本书为《教学参考书》第四册,共8个单元,每个单元根据《综合教程》的相关内容配备教法推荐、作者介绍、背景知识、课文详解、练习答案以及《综合练习》中的练习卷答案和录音原文等。同时,本书在版式设计上有所改革,将学生用书的内容完整地融入教学参考书,课文讲解引入了“左学右教”的方式,以方便教师教学。本书另配有电子教案。


Unit 1  I. Objectives  II. Suggested Teaching Plan  III. Background Information  IV. Class Presentation   Listening & Speaking   Reading & Writing   Text A: The Washwoman   Grammar Review: The Attributive Clause (1)   Practical Writing: Memos    Text B: A Good Name    Text C: The Legacy   Basic Reading Skills: Understanding Denotations Unit 2  I. Objectives  II. Suggested Teaching Plan  III. Background Information  IV. Class Presentation   Listening & Speaking   Reading & Writing    Text A: I Was Deceived!   Grammar Review: The Attributive Clause (2)   Practical Writing: Sales Letters    Text B: Words from the Heart    Text C: A Rose for Miss Caroline   Basic Reading Skills: Understanding Figurative Language (1) Unit 3  I. Objectives  II. Suggested Teaching Plan  III. Background Information  IV. Class Presentation   Listening & Speaking   Reading & Writing    Text A: The New Frontier of Beauty   Grammar Review: The Noun Clause   Practical Writing: Order Letters    Text B: Stevie Wonder: Sunshine in the Shadow    Text C: The Youngest Painter in the World   Basic Reading Skills: Understanding Figurative Language (2) Unit 4  I. Objectives  II. Suggested Teaching Plan  III. Background Information  IV. Class Presentation   Listening & Speaking   Reading & Writing    Text A: More Than a Scholarship   Grammar Review: The Appositive Clause   Practical Writing: Confirmation Letters    Text B: Somebody Cared    Text C: "We're All Here to Learn"  Basic Reading Skills: Understanding Idiomatic Expressions   Chinese Version of Texts A and B (Units 1-4) Key and Tapescript for Workbook (4) (Units 1-4) CONTENTSUnit 5  I. Objectives  II. Suggested Teaching Plan  III. Background Information  IV. Class Presentation   Listening & Speaking   Reading & Writing    Text A: Room for the Future   Grammar Review: Adverbial Clauses of Time, Space and Manner   Practical Writing: Verification Letters    Text B: The Day I Flunked Out of Law School   Text C: Finding My Wings   Basic Reading Skills: Understanding Abstracts Unit 6  I. Objectives  II. Suggested Teaching Plan  III. Background Information  IV. Class Presentation   Listening & Speaking   Reading & Writing    Text A: How to Sell Anybody Anything in Five Minutes or Less   Grammar Review: Adverbial Clauses of Condition, Concession and Cause   Practical Writing: Resignation Letters    Text B: Better Late Than Never 426   Text C: Ten-year-old Artist Learns How to Make a Business of His Talent   Basic Reading Skills: Understanding Prefaces and Forewords Unit 7  I. Objectives  II. Suggested Teaching Plan  III. Background Information  IV. Class Presentation   Listening & Speaking   Reading & Writing    Text A: Charles Drew: Blood Bank Pioneer   Grammar Review: Adverbial Clauses of Result, Purpose and Comparison   Practical Writing: Adjustment Letters    Text B: Pioneer in Architecture: Julia Morgan 1872-1957    Text C: The Wonder-workers   Basic Reading Skills: Understanding School Introductions Unit 8  I. Objectives  II. Suggested Teaching Plan  III. Background Information  IV. Class Presentation   Listening & Speaking   Reading & Writing    Text A: Tourist Attractions and Entertainment   Grammar Review: The Uses of "As"  Practical Writing: Abstracts    Text B: The Taj Mahal    Text C: Jiuzhaigou ?Scenic Waters   Basic Reading Skills: Understanding Instructions for Product Use and Maintenance Chinese Version of Texts A and B (Units 5-8) Key and Tapescript for Workbook (4) (Units 5-8)



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