
出版时间:2009-4  出版社:复旦大学出版社  作者:薛美玲,李莉,唐淑华 主编  页数:297  


我国博士生英语入学考试没有采取统考形式,而是各招生院校自行命题、自行组织考试,各个院校的考试重点、命题特点有相当大的不同,所以目前国内没有统一考试大纲。英语考试是考生参加博士生入学考试的一大障碍和挑战。许多考生并非因为专业课的缘故,而是由于英语考试未达到所报考学校最低录取分数线而与自己理想的学校失之交臂。英语成绩一直是筛选考生能否入选博士研究生的最重要的尺度。对于一个报考其他院校博士的应届考生,一个已经工作的且想报考博士的考生,一个英语水平过六级都没有把握的考生,如果不进行专门的强化训练,则英语入学考试成绩可能成为他们考博的瓶颈。    综合考察最近的图书市场,有关硕士研究生英语考试的辅导资料很多,而直接针对博士研究生入学英语考试的指导丛书几近空白。报考博士研究生的考生对如何复习应考常常感到无所适从,他们迫切需要一本高质量的考前辅导资料,以应对考博英语的实际要求,在考试中把握命题规律,获取高分。    为了帮助参加博士研究生入学考试的考生了解各高等院校考博英语命题特点和出题动态,我们在认真分析了北京大学、清华大学、中国人民大学、中国科学院、中国科技大学、复旦大学、同济大学、南京大学、武汉大学、厦门大学等50多所高校150多份历年考博英语真题后,精选了最近几年的重点院校的30多份试卷,根据多年的教学和命题经验,精心编写了这本《考博英语全国重点院校真题汇编》。本书可以让考生见证考博英语的命题方式和出题动态,题型变换和难易程度,以便及时进行查漏补缺,深化理解并熟悉各种题型和熟练运用各种解题技巧,最后取得考试高分。    “观千剑而后识器”,我们相信,只要考生认真阅读本书,深化理解并熟悉各种题型和熟练运用各种解题技巧,就一定能够在考博英语中脱颖而出。本书与市面上的同类辅导书的区别:第一,内容最新、知识最系统、考点最全面。市面上的真题过于陈旧,大都没有最新试题的分析,这是考生最需求的,本书做到了这一点。本书精选了全国重点招生院校的最近几年的试题,综合了全国不同招生院校在试题方面的考核重点,使本书的试题基本覆盖了全国考博英语的全部考点和题型,全面紧扣各个博士招生院校最新英语考试大纲,把握命题脉搏,让考生做到有章可循。    第二,精辟阐明解题思路,每道真题都有详细的解析。市面上的真题大多没有解析,没有讲解解题技巧和方法,只是一堆真题的陈列,考生不能从中学到解题方法和技巧。这样给考生的复习造成了很大的不便,考生碰到了难题就不知道其解题思路,这样即使做完了真题也没有解决该解决的问题,不知其然,更不知道其所以然。许多题目考生容易做错,如果没有提供解题思路,考生就不知道自己究竟错在哪里,下次碰到这样的题就会犯同样的错误。本书注重应试策略分析,每道试题都有详细的解题分析,是考生进行考前训练、检验自己水平和提高分析问题能力的理想辅导用书。    选择高效率的辅导资料,掌握正确的学习方法,并且付出努力,那么成功一定是水到渠成的!考场上面对试题时,只不过是多一次轻松的演习而已!




  look for more than a coincidental relationship between them .The high Himalayas and the Tibetan plateau certainly have extraordinary physical characteristics and the cuhures which are found there are also unusual,though not unique. However there is no intention of adopting Montesquieus view of climate and soil as cultural determinants. The ecology of a region merely poses some of the prob-lems faced by the inhabitants of the region,and while the problems facing a culture are important to its development,they do not determine it. The appearance of the Himalayas during the late Tertiary Period and the accompanying further raising of the previously established rages had a marked effect on the climate of the region. Primari- ly,of course,it blocked the Indian monsoon(季风)from reaching Central Asia at a11.Secondari. 1y,air and moisture from other directions were also reduced.  Prior to the raising of the Himalayas,the land now forming the Tibetan uplands had a dry,con-tinental climate with vegetation and animal life similar to that of much of the rest of the region on the same parallel,but somewhat different than that of the areas farther north,which were already drier. With the coming of the Himalayas and the relatively sudden drying out of the region,there was a se- vere thinning out of the animal and plant population The ensuing incomplete Pleistocene glaciations(冰蚀)had a further thinning effect,but significantly did not wipe out life in the area Thus after the end of the glaciation there were only a few varieties of life extant from the original continental species .Isolated by the Kunlun range from the Tarim basin and Turfan depression,species which had already adapted to the dry steppe climate,and would otherwise have been expected to flourish in Tibetan,the remaining native fauna and flora(动植物)multiplied Armand describes the Tibetan fauna as not having great variety.but being“striking’’in the abundance of the particular species that are present.The plant life is similarly limited in variety,with some observers finding no more than seventy varieties of plants in even the relatively fertile Eastern Tibetan valleys,with fewer than ten food crops.Tibetan“tea”is a major staple. perhaps replacing the unavailable vegetables. The difficulties of living in an environment at once dry and cold and populated with species more usually found in more hospitable climates,are great.These difficulties may well have influ-enced the unusual polyandrous(一妻多夫制)societies typical of the region .Lattimore sees the ma- intenance of multiple·-husband households as being preserved from earlier forms by the harsh condi·- tions of the Tibetan uplands,which permitted no experimentation and“flroze”the cultures which came there.Kawakita,on the other hand,sees the polyandry as a way of easily permitting the best householder to become the head husband regardless of age.His detailed studies of the Bhotea village of Tsumje do seem to support this idea of polyandry as a method of talent mobility is a situation where even the best talent is barely enough for survival.



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用户评论 (总计30条)


  •   英文实际上不需要太多的答案解释,没必要。看得懂就是看得懂,看不懂就是看不懂。难道解释一下就能使人在考试中看懂了?把词汇量提上去,把逻辑思维英文化。这样才能上档次。题稍微做两套就可以了。
  •   书不错,带了个光盘,没想到题目解析,还有语音讲解
  •   便宜实用,答案详细!
  •   光盘的答案是06年开始的,整整2年的听力没有!
  •   希望能带来好运吧
  •   有用的东东
  •   hao60
  •   书是帮朋友买的,发货速度很快。
  •   考博时买了这本书。书印刷质量不错,还有听力真题。好好作一下这本书,对考博英语还是有点帮助的
  •   挑了一本网上比较便宜的考博试题书,书的质量不错,就是答案在光盘中,使用起来有些不方便。
  •   要是为了体验不同学校的英语考试风格,当然这本书还是不错的选择。只是答案在光盘里,不是很方便。
  •   刚收到,不过试题还是不够新和多院校
  •   还不错,就是答案在光盘里不方便,有些院校没更新。
  •   感觉纸地很好!就是答案没附在试题后面,而在光盘里!不方便
  •   印刷质量挺好的,就是答案没在书里面,看着不方便
  •   答案在光盘里有点麻烦
  •   书内容较老,但还不错,主要是价格很实在
  •   建议购买,不错,不错
  •   书太薄,有点贵了
  •   总的来说书不错,而且价格不贵,挺好!
  •   值得一卖,物有所值。
  •   书只有试题,答案与解析在光盘上
  •   收到书后才发现试题答案在光盘里!
  •   阅读理解应该有全文翻译的,这本书却没有。答案及讲解还行,不过大部分还得自己捉摸。
  •   内容一般,印刷什么的还行
  •   听力很不全,好像没有录音
  •   收到书的时候光盘已经被压碎了!!
  •   一般,没把时间标清楚被误导了
  •   里面近几年的听力部分的内容光盘没有,特别是近几年的.也就是说没有听力部分.
  •   没必要买这种书

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