
出版时间:1899-12  出版社:上海世界图书出版公司  作者:林丽成  页数:256  


哈特曼-考克斯,ISBN:9787506233262,作者:(美)乔治·哈特曼(George E. Hartman),(美)沃伦·考克斯(Warren J.Cox)作


哈特曼  考克斯建筑设计公司是由建筑师乔治·哈特曼(George E.Haetman.Jr)和沃伦·考克斯(warren.J.Cox)于1965年开创的。这些年来,设计室共获得各类褒奖90余项,包括6项美国建筑学会的国家荣誉奖和16项历史保护奖。1988年,获得美国建筑学会的建筑企业奖,这是建筑企业


IntroductionBy Richard Guy WilsonSelected and Current Works  Private Residence,Phillips/Brewer House  College Chapel,Mount Vernon College  Tennis Building,St Alban’S School  Euram Building  College DormitmT,Mount Vernon College  Public Stable,Rock Creek Park  Saltonstall Barn  Private Residence,Potomac,Maryland  National Bookstore.National Visitors’Center.Union Station  National Permanent Building  National Humanities Center  Immanuel Presbyterian Church  Remodeling and Addition,Washington,DC  4250 Connecticut Avenue,NW  Folger Shakespeare LibralT and Addition  Foster House  United States Embassy Office Building,Kuala Lmnpur  Apex Building  Commerce Place  Headquarters for the H.E.Butt GrocmT Company  1001 Pennsvlvania Avenue.NW  Gallery ROW  Private Residence.Washington.DC  St Patrick’S Episcopal Church and Day School  Sumner School Complex  Corcoran Gallery of Art Office Building  Monroe Hall,UniversiW of Virginia  Chrysler Museum  Georgetown University Law Center Library  Dumbarton 0aks Addition and Remodeling  Market Square  One Franklin Square Building  Pennsvlvania Plaza  800 North Capitol Street  1501 M Street NW  Iohn Carter Brown Library Addition and Renovation  Washington National Airport Parking Structure  1200 K Street NW  New Exhibition Building,Winterthur Museum and Garden  Georgetown University Law Center Residence Hall  Tulane University Law SchOOl  University of Connecticut Law School Library  Special Collections Library,University of Virginia  Preselwation and Restoration of the Lincoln and Iefferson MemorialsFirm Profile  Biographies  Associates&Collaborators  chronological List of Buildings&Projects  Awards&Exhibitions  Bibliography  Acknowledgments  Index



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