
出版时间:2008-8  出版社:世界图书出版公司  作者:(美)多诺霍 著  页数:540  


The Standard Model lagrangian LSM embodies our knowledge of the strong and electroweak interactions. It contains as fundamental degrees of freedom the spin one-half quarks and leptons, the spin one gauge bosom,and the spin zero Higgs fields. Symmetry plays the central role in determining its dynamical structure. The lagrangian exhibits invariance under SU(3) gauge transformations for the strong interactions and under SU(2) x U(1) gauge transformations for the electroweak interactions.Despite the presence of (all too) many input parameters, it is a mathematical construction of considerable predictive power.There are several books available which describe in detail the construction of LSM and its quantization, and which deal with aspects of symmetry breaking. We felt the need for a book describing the next steps, how LSM is connected to the observable physics of the real world. There are a considerable variety of techniques, of differing rigor, which are used by particle physicists to accomplish this. We present here those which have become indispensable tools. In addition, we attempt to convey the insights and 'conventional wisdom' which have been developed throughout the field. This book can only be an introduction to the riches contained in the subject, hopefully providing a foundation and a motivation for further exploration by its readers.


This book describes the practical techniques for connecting the phenomenology of particle physics with the accepted modern theory known as the 'Standard Model'.   The Standard Model of elementary particle interactions is the outstanding achievement of the past forty years of experimental and theoretical activity in particle physics. This book gives a detailed account of the Standard Model, focussing on the techniques by which the model can produce information about real observed phenomena. The text opens with a pedagogic account of the theory of the Standard Model. Introductions to the essential calculation techniques needed, including effective lagrangian techniques and path integral methods, are included. The major part of the text is concerned with the use of the Standard Model in the calculation of physical properties of particles. Rigorous and reliable methods (radiative corrections and nonperturbative techniques based on symmetries and anomalies) are emphasized, but other useful models (such as the quark and Skyrme models) are also described. The strong and electroweak interactions are not treated as independent threads, but rather are woven together into a unified phenomenological fabric. Manyexercises and diagrams are included.


John Donoghue,美国马萨诸塞州大学物理系教授。1976年在马萨诸塞大学获得博士学位。主要研究领域有粒子物理学,广义相对论,有效场论和宇宙论。Eugene Golowich,美国马萨诸塞州大学物理系教授。1965年在康乃尔大学获得理论物理博士学位。主要研究领域是高能物理。Barry Holstein,美国马萨诸塞州大学物理系教授。1969年在卡内基-梅隆大学获得博士学位。主要研究领域是高能物理。


PrefaceⅠInputs to the Standard Model  Ⅰ.1 Quarks mad leptons  Ⅰ.2 Chiral fermions    The massless limit    Parity, time reversal, and charge conjugation  Ⅰ.3 Symmetries and near symmetries    Noether currents    Examples of Noether currents    Approximate symmetry  Ⅰ.4 Gauge symmetry    Abelian case    Nonabelian case    Mixed case  Ⅰ.5 On the fate of symmetries    Hidden symmetry    Spontaneous symmetry breaking in the sigma modelⅡ Interactions of the Standard Model  Ⅱ.1 Quantum Electrodynamics    U(1) gauge symmetry    QED to one loop    On-shell renormalization of the electric charge    Electric charge as a running coupling constant  Ⅱ.2 Quantum Chromodynamics    SU(3) gauge symmetry    QCD to one loop    Asymptotic freedom and renormalization group  Ⅱ.3 Electroweak interactions    Weak isospin and weak hypercharge assignments    SU(2) L x U(1)y gauge-invariant lagrangian    Spontaneous symmetry breaking    Electroweak currents  Ⅱ.4 Fermion mixing    Diagonalization of mass matrices    Quark mixing    CP-violation and rephasing-invariantsⅢ Symmetries and anomalies  Ⅲ.1  Symmetries of the Standard Model  Ⅲ.2  Path integrals and symmetries    The generating functional    Noether's theorem and path integrals  Ⅲ.3  The U(1) axial anomaly    Diagrammatic analysis    Path integral analysis  Ⅲ.4  Classical scale invariance and the trace anomaly  Ⅲ.5  Chiral anomalies and vacuum structure    The 8-vacuum    The 0-term    Connection with chiral rotationsⅣ Introduction to effective lagrangians  Ⅳ.1  Nonlinear lagrangians and the sigma model    Representations of the sigma model    Representation independence  Ⅳ.2  Integrating out heavy fields    The decoupling theorem    Integrating out heavy fields at tree level  Ⅳ.3  The low energy expansion    Expansion in energy    Loops    Weinberg's power counting theorem  Ⅳ.4  Symmetry breaking  Ⅳ.5 PCAC    The soft-pion theorem  Ⅳ.6  Matrix elements of currents    Matrix elements and the effective action  Ⅳ.7  Heavy particles in effective lagrangians  Ⅳ.8  Effective lagrangians in QED  Ⅳ.9  Effective lagrangians as probes of new physicsⅤ Leptons  Ⅴ.1 The electron……Ⅵ Very low energy QCD-pions and photonsⅦ Introducing kaons and etasⅧ Kaons and the △S=1 interactionⅨ Kaon mixing and CP violationⅩ The N-1 expansionⅪ Phenomenological modelsⅫ Baryon propertiesⅫⅠ Hadron spectroscopyⅩⅣ Weak interactions of heavy quarksⅩⅤ The higgs bosonⅩⅥ THe electroweak gauge bosonsA Appendix-Functional integrationB Appendix-Some field theoretic methodsC Appendix-Useful formulaeReferencesIndex







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