
出版时间:2012-9  出版社:中国国际广播出版社  作者:泰戈尔  页数:273  字数:200000  




The Gardener
The Crescent Moon
Stray Birds


  The Astronomer  I only said, "When in the evening the round full moon gets entangled among the branches of that Kadam tree, couldn't somebody catch it?"  But dada laughed at me and said, "Baby, you are the silliest child I have ever known. The moon is ever so far from us, how could anybody catch it?"  I said, "Dada, how foolish you are! When mother looks out of her window and smiles down at us playing, would you call her far away?"  Still dada said, "You are a stupid child ! But, ba-by, where could you find a net big enough to catch the moon with?"  I said, '6 Surely you could catch it with your hands. "  But dada laughed and said, "You are the silliest child I have known. tf it came nearer, you would see how big the moon is. "  I said, "Dada, what nonsense they teach at your school! When mother bends her face down to kissus does her face look very big?"  But still dada says, "You are a stupid child. "  Clouds and Waves  Mother, the folk who live up in the clouds callout to me—  "We play from the time we wake till the dayends.  We play with the golden dawn, we play with thesilver moon. "  I ask, "But, how am I to get up to you?"  They answer, "Come to the edge of the earth,lift up your hands to the sky, and you will be takenup into the clouds. "  "My mother is waiting for me at home," I say.  "How can Ileave her and come?"  Then they smile and float away.  But I know a nicer game than that, mother.  I shall be the cloud and you the moon.  I shall cover you with both my hands, and ourhouse-top will be the blue sky.  The folk who live in the waves call out to me-"We sing from morning till night; on and on wetravel and know not where we pass. "  I ask. "But, how am I to join you?"  ……



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  •   纯爱英文馆的系列书记都很不错。书很小巧,比想像的要轻。封面很好看。字体大小很合适,也很漂亮。
  •   书很轻,而且很小,不过全是英文的,学英语还挺好的!
  •   诗歌很美,虽然有冰心的翻译,不过还是看英文版的更好,我很喜欢这本,小巧方便
  •   看着不错,很小巧的书
  •   很小,便携~内容还没看~
  •   不错,包装不错,快递速度挺快,印刷各方面都很好,好评
  •   很满意,书小小的,携带很方便
  •   没中文,纸张也不错
  •   感觉大家都很推崇,来看看!
  •   比较漂亮,慢慢看
  •   这本小小的 但是还不错
  •   虽然感觉在纸张上亏了点,但是想了想能随身携带还是挺方便的
  •   书本小巧 可随身携带 内容嘛···
  •   是小本的书好拿
  •   很喜欢 喜欢这个出版社
  •   当当值得信赖的购物网站!
  •   帮别人买的她拿到书的时候很开心。。。
  •   好啊哈哈不错不错不错不错
  •   这个风格的书籍我很喜欢,光看外表就给人宁静的感觉
  •   一直很喜欢这个集子,终于买到手了
  •   如果忽略书本身比较袖珍这一点的话,内容还是比较美的,当课外读物培养阅读能力吧
  •   没想像中的好,没有汉字的,不过之间有间隙 可以自己俺喜欢的风格加汉字

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