
出版时间:1970-1  出版社:五洲传播出版社  作者:宋懿芪,王弈撰文  页数:127  


The improvement of Chinese people's material living standards has brought changes to their lifestyles. To strengthen fitness physique,and to improve quality of life by sports and exercise has widely become the demand of ordinary Chinese people in the new era.Fitness activities are aoing into the daily life of the Chines people,representing a trend of fashion and clear lifestyle, a trend of aspiration and the pursuit for high quality of life, a trend of health,prosperity and vitality.


Community Fitness  The New Fashion of Living in Communities  Farmer NBA  Community Fitness Booster--Social Sports Instructors  The Festival of Community Residents--Community Sports GamesFamily Fitness  Holiday Fitness Becomes Popular  Fitness Coaches Go into Small Towns  Family Gyms  Women in Family FitnessUrban White-collar Fitness  The Happy Life of "Walking Group"  Noontime Exercise  Mysterious Yoga  Body-reshaping by Pilates  Dynamic Body-building Exercise  Ballet TrainingOutdoor Sports  Skateboarding  Ballet on Cliffs  Snow Carnival  Underwater World  Bound Training  Take Talents as Peak  Racing-driver? Writer?  Small Boat Sailing across the WorldCampus Fitness  Basketball--A Stage for All  Soccer--Youth on Green Court  Aerobics--Youthful Breeze on the Campus  Latin Dance--Exotic Feelings  Softball--Experiencing "Team Spirit"  Special Campus Scene--"Professor Basketball Team"The Longevity Road of Elderly People  Walking--An Ideal Fitness Exercise for Elderly People  Tai Chi--Traditional Exercise for Health Main!enance  Gate Ball (Croquete)--A Nice Leisure Sport for Elderly People  Mountain Climbing--the Most Comprehensive Fitness Exercise  Swimming--Fashion Sport for Elderly PeopleRise of Chian's Fitness Industry  Saving up Health, Boosting the Gyms  The New Concept of "Private Coach"Frienklies:Bringing China's to All over the Worlkd  Little Children--A Letter to the 2008 Olympics Athletes  Young People--Celebrated Olympics by Healthy Sports  Elderly People--Tai Chi Inspires Olympics, Cycling Tours China  To Be One of the Beijing Olympics Volunteers--Common Aspiration Shared by All  Host City Beijing--Carrying out the Outlook of the Nationwide Body-building Plan



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