
出版时间:2011-7  出版社:天津科技翻译出版公司  作者:汪培山 编  页数:176  






Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Measures in Epidemiology and Sources of Data
Chapter 3
Communicable Diseases
Chapter 4
Survey and Cross-sectional Studies
Chapter 5
Cohort Studies
Chapter 6
Case-control Studies
Chapter 7
Experimental Studies
Chapter 8
Association and Causation
Chapter 9
Bias and Confounding
Chapter 10
Screening and Early Detection
Chapter 11
Application of Epidemiology in Clinical Practice
Chapter 12
Molecular and Genetic Epidemiol0gy
Reference Answers to Selected Study Questions


版权页:插图:Along with cohort and case-control studies, health surveys play an important role and are being increasingly used in descriptive and analytical epidemiological research. Health surveys are able to assess the prevalence of a number of health states or conditions, the associations between factors and outcomes simultaneously. When well designed surveys are based on representative population samples, they are can provide reliable population estimates, which are often important source of information for evidence based health planning, health promotion, and intervention.Commonly used data collection methods include: face-to-face interview, telephone interview, postal questionnaire, web-based survey and electronic mail. Each method has its pros and cons and it can be used separately or in combination. A survey questionnaire is an essential tool collecting information and survey questions can be either open-ended or closed-ended. Closed-ended questions come in various types including binary, multiple choice, ranking, and rating questions. Before a questionnaire can be administrated to participants, it often needs pre-testing and revisions. A good question is associated with better response rate, clarity, and validity. Bias in survey can arise from any stage study design, data collection and data analyses. All efforts should be made to eliminate or minimize bias to the lowest level.The possible sources, magnitude, and impact of a survey study should be estimated.





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