
出版时间:2008-6  出版社:外语教学与研究出版社  作者:兰甘  页数:186  


  《大学英语阅读进阶》(第四版)是一部帮助学习者系统提高英语阅读技巧的教材。书中详细讲解了阅读的十条核心技巧,如怎样通过上下文理解词汇,怎样找出支撑性细节,怎样识别隐含的主要观点和中心思想,怎样理解例证、类比/对比、原因和结果的关系等等;由基础阅读向高级阅读渐进过渡,配有高质量的练习活动与测试题;提供了十篇趣味性强的阅读材料,按照阅读步骤精心设计了预览、基本、高级技巧题等实践训练。  本书重点讲解部分配有中文,便于学习者理解和掌握。各章内容安排合理,从讲解、举例、练习到测试,并配有教师用书和试题库,便于教学与评估。


N OTES FOR INSTRUCTORSUsing a Class ContractA suggested syllabusSuggested answers to the discussion questionsWriting assignmentsThe importance of continual reading and thinkingThe importance of constant feedbackOutlining , mapping, and summarizingReadability levels… and their limitationsA final noteA professional contractAnswers to the practices and tests in the bookSuggested answers to the discussion questions in part Ⅰ1 night watch2 here’ to your health3 child-rearing styles4 rowing the bus5 Students in shock6 I became her target7 new respect for the nap, a pause that refreshes8 gender inequality in health care and in the workplace9 the scholarship jacket10 in praise of the f wordSUGGESTED ANSWERS TO THE DISCUSSION QUESTIONS IN PART Ⅱ1 the yellow ribbon2 urban legends3 shame4 the bystander effect5 the real story of flight6 coping with nervousness7 compliance techniques8 lizzie borden9 nonverbal communication10 preindustrial citiesTEST BANKS AND ANSWERSFirst test bank (mastery tests A-D)Vocabulary in contextMain ideasSupporting detailsImplied main ideas/central pointRelationships ⅠRelationships ⅡFact and opinionInferencesArgumentCombined skillsAnswers to the tests in the first test bankSecond test bankVocabulary in contextMain ideasSupporting detailsImplied main ideas/central pointRelationships ⅠRelationships ⅡFact and opinionInferencesPurpose and toneArgumentCombined skillsAnswers to the tests in the second test bank


  大学英语阅读进阶》(第四版)  注重基础,系统性强:介绍提高英语阅读能力的十大技巧,由基础阅读向高阅读过渡,配有大量练习与测试题。  材料丰富,趣味性强:选篇难度适中,内容引人入胜,辅以形式多样的阅读活动,帮助学习者加深理解。  锻炼思维,挑战性强:系统的阅读训练与启发性的思考活动有助于学习者提高推理,分析与判断能力。  使用方便,实用性强:讲解重点部分配有中文,便于学习者理解和掌握各章内容安排合理,从讲解、举例、练习到测试,便于教学与评估。  《教师用书》提供教学建议、练习答案及试题库,并配有试题库光盘,有效辅助教师教学。




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