
出版时间:2009-7  出版社:华中科技大学出版社  作者:盛美娟  页数:173  


  全球化的深入发展不仅使国际贸易空前繁荣,而且使企业的跨国生产和经营成为当今世界经济不可阻挡的潮流。竞争的国际化不断凸显商务英语这一沟通平台的重要价值。培养具有扎实的英语语言功底、跨文化交际能力、丰富的国际商务知识和跨文化管理能力的国际商务人才是我国成功参与国际竞争的重要前提。  本教材突破传统教材的局限性,结合笔者多年从事国际商务活动及商务英语写作教学的经验,在参考大量国内外相关资料的基础上,将理论与实践紧密结合,拓宽商务视野,丰富教学内容,从而使之成为真正实用的商务英语写作用书。本教材的特点主要表现在以下三个方面:  1.视野广,内容丰富。  随着商务活动形式的不断丰富和通信技术的不断更新,商务英语的范畴在不断扩大,商务沟通的方式也在不断地更新和发展。为适应当前国际商务发展的需要,本教材本着大商务的原则,在重点介绍与国际贸易相关的信函写作的基础上,增加了跨国公司日常业务运作所需的商务文书写作以及求职简历的撰写等方面的内容,以提高学生全面的商务写作能力,满足他们参加商务英语相关资格考试(如剑桥商务英语考试)、求职和未来职业发展的需要。对于跨文化沟通知识的介绍有利于培养学生的跨文化意识,提高其跨文化沟通能力。附录中列出了大量国际商务中常用的缩略语、组织机构名称、贸易术语、专业词汇等,可以丰富学生的商务知识。  2.理论与实践紧密结合。  为了加深学生对商务英语写作的了解和熟练掌握,本教材不仅介绍了商务英语写作所要遵循的一般原则及技巧,还对每一类具体商务信函的组织原则及写作技巧作了详细的阐述。本教材所提供的大量信函很多选自实际应用的范例,能真切反映商务活动的实际过程,有助于消除学生“学无以致用”的担忧,从而提高其学习积极性。另外,本书的主要内容用英文编写,可用于双语教学和英语教学,有助于培养学生直接用英语思维的习惯和提高其实际英语应用能力。  3.操作性强。  商务英语写作是一种极有用的技能,学生必须练好基本功。为方便学生学习,本教材的每个章节提供专题简介、信函组织原则和写作技巧、正文信函、生词解释及关键词语的用法、有用的句型、练习等诸多部分的内容编排。此种编排有利于学生更有针对性地进行写作,通过大量的练习,举一反三,不断地提高其写作的真实性和得体性。  本书适合商务英语专业和国际经济与贸易专业的学生、国际商务从业人员参考使用,可以作为各级院校的教学用书、公司培训用书以及自学参考用书。


Part One  The Building Blocks of Business Communication Chapter 1  An Insight into Business Communication Chapter 2  Selection of Communication Channels Chapter 3  Structure and Styles of Business Letters Chapter 4  Creating Effective Business Communication Chapter 5  Cross-Cultural CommunicationPart Two  International Business Correspondence Chapter 6  Establishing Business Relations Chapter 7  Enquiries and Replies Chapter 8  Offers, Quotations and Counter-Offers Chapter 9  Orders and Their Fulfillment Chapter 10  Terms of Payment Chapter 11  Packing Chapter 12  Insurance Chapter 13  Shipment Chapter 14  Complaints and Claims Chapter 15  Business Contract  ~Part Three  Interoffice Communication Chapter I6  Memorandums Chapter 17  Reports Chapter 18  ResumesAppendix Ⅰ Abbreviations Used in International TradeAppendix Ⅱ INCOTERMS 2000, and Expressions Related to TradeAppendix Ⅲ Shipping Documents参考文献


  (6) Color  Colors can also carry meanings in a culture. In the United States, mourners wear black tofunerals, while brides wear white. In Japan and China, white is the color of death. Purple flowersare given to the dead in Mexico. In China, red stands for happiness and even power, therefore, sealswith red ink are used to show authority, but in other countries, blue ink is used for seals.  (7) Age  Cultures also differ in their views of age. In the United States, youth is valued. Some men aswell as some women color their hair and even have face-lifts to look as youthful as possible. Olderpeople prefer to live alone to show that they are as strong as young people. In many Asian countriessuch as China and Japan, older people are respectable because they carry rich experience. It is thecustom there that younger people should defer to older people and learn from them.  6. Case study  Interpreting a Smile  Case Description:  Peter is the general manager of an American company in China. Recently, Jun Chen, one of theChinese managers, made a mistake at work which caused some difficulties requiring a lot of effortsto fix. Jun Chen was very upset about what had happened, and he came to Peters office to make aformal apology. Jun Chen went into Peters office after being told to, smiling before he spoke."Peter, Ive been feeling very upset about the trouble I had caused for the company. Im here toapologize for my mistake. Im terribly sorry about it and I want you to know that it will neverhappen again. " Jun Chen said, looking at Peter with the smile he had been wearing since he walkedinto the office. Peter found it hard to accept the apology. He looked at Jun Chen, and asked, "Areyou sure?"  "Yes, Im sorry and I promise this wont happen again," Jun Chen said, with a smile evenbroader than before.  "Im sorry I just can not take your apology. You dont look sorry at all!" Peter said angrily.  Jun Chens face turned red. He did not in the least expect Peter to take it negatively. He wasdesperate to make himself understood. "Peter," he managed to smile again, "trust me, no one canfeel any more sorry than I do about it. "  Peter was almost furious by now, "If you are that sorry, how can you still smile?"



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