
出版时间:2008-7  出版社:大连理工大学出版社  作者:深圳市平面设计协会 编  页数:442  


15 years ago, the young graphic designers in Shenzhen organized a national graphic design contest, i.e. Graphic Design in China 1992, showing the force of Chinese graphic designers for the first time and causing a strong feedback home and abroad. Thereafter, they set up Shenzhen Graphic Design Association, the first professional organization of graphic designers in China,and held the second Graphic Design in China in 1996. Shenzhen, the most successful special economic zone in China, lead the graphic design industry in China, highlighting this cultural sector in the growth of this young city. In 2003, Guan Shanyue Art Museum integrated the social resources and planned, organized and sponsored the Shenzhen Design 2003 fair under the municipality call of culture growth. The success of Shenzhen Design 2003 germinated the idea of biennial China graphic design fair, which began from Graphic Design in China 2005 Shenzhen. Thereafter, the brand Graphic Design in China has got a higher start point and a powerful platform. Now the fair has become a ceremony presenting the high-level, diversity,authority, justness and influence in the society of graphic design in China,causing more and more overseas attention. The fair is a platform that many outstanding Chinese designers take off and a cradle germinating the young generation of designers, and it also raises new design ideas continuously,leading the industry in China to a higher and higher level.


《平面设计在中国07展》介绍了平面设计07展中的获奖作品及各类别设计的优秀作品。    平面设计竞赛和展览,旨在推动和激励行业的创力和发展,优秀的专业水准和公正的设计竞赛才能具有得道多助,相互辉映的生命力。“平面设计在中国展”历经了十五个年头,在这个展览中我们可以看到中国目前最活跃的设计师作品,可以印证中国平面设计发展的历程,纵观每个时期的视觉缩影。它也为中国的平面设计赢得了更多的国际声誉,中国众多的优秀设计师几乎都在这里崭露头角并被专业领域关注。    今天,设计师的工作已经不仅仅停留在平面之上,更多承担着创意人的角色,设计的领域也更加广泛和多元化。在我们关注设计师独特的创意表现和具有前瞻性的设计思考之外,更不能忽略设计的市场和商业价值,毕竟市场才是设计的土壤。此次我们在评委的选择上尽可能回避了单纯的海报艺术家身份,而是选择了将设计渗透到更广泛领域并创造了诸多佳绩的设计师。









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