
出版时间:2009-7  出版社:天津大学出版社  作者:胡连荣 主编  页数:104  


  随着我国经济的快速发展,物流业目前正处于高速增长的上升阶段,存在着巨大的市场潜力和广阔的发展前景。现代物流的发展趋势是信息化、网络化、智能化和一体化,我国物流业必须时刻关注国际物流技术发展的最新动态,利用先进的技术改造仓储、运输和包装等物流环节,以提高物流效率,增强物流企业在国际物流市场上的竞争力,加快物流的现代化建设。在这种背景下,我们应该不断学习国际最前沿的物流知识,掌握物流知识的英文表达。为此,我们编写了这本《现代物流专业英语》。本书参考了大量的英文原版资料,力求语言准确、精练;同时紧贴物流学科的发展趋势,反映现代物流的最新概念、技术和发展。本书每章都有补充阅读材料,可满足部分水平较高的读者的自学要求。课后讨论题型的设计能够激发学习者学习英语的积极性并引导其开口讲英语。  本书既可以作为高等职业技术院校、普通高等院校物流管理专业的教材,也适合作为各个层次物流培训和物流从业人员教学与学习的参考书。




Chapter 1  Overview of Logistics   Unit 1  Introduction to Logistics   Unit 2  Introduction to Logistics ManagementChapter 2  Supply Chain Management   Unit 1  Introduction to Supply Chain Management   Unit 2  Supply Chain Management StrategiesChapter 3  Inventory   Unit 1  Concept and Purposes of Inventory   Unit 2  Inventory Types and Inventory Management   Unit 3  Techniques of Inventory ManagementChapter 4  Warehouse   Unit 1  Introduction to Warehouse   Unit 2  Warehouse Management SystemChapter 5  Transportation   Unit 1  F, unctions and Modes of Transportation   Unit 2  Container Transportation and Inter-modal TransportationChapter 6  Packaging   Unit 1  Introduction to Packaging   Unit 2  Packaging TechnologyChapter 7  Physical Distribution   Unit 1  Introduction to Physical Distribution   Unit 2  Distribution CenterChapter 8  Logistics Documents   Unit 1  Main Logistics Documents (1)   Unit 2  Main Logistics Documents (2)Chapter 9  EDI Communication and E-commerce   Unit 1  EDI Communication   Unit 2  E-commerceAppendix I Terms of LogisticsAppendix II Some Useful English WebsitesReferences


  Unit 1Introduction to Logistics  The term "logistics" originally comes from the moving, lodging and supplying of troops. Mili-tary commanders have always been aware of the importance of good logistics to the success of theircampaigns. Many military failures have arisen from failure to maintain a logistic line of communica-tion. The term involves not only the movement of goods, but also of people, as well as housing andfeeding them. Before the material, food and accommodation can be supplied, they must first be ob-tained from somewhere. It may be bought "off the shelf", but if it is not readily available it must bedesigned and made. Logistics is also described as the art of achieving the "six rights" : they are get-ting the right things, in the right quantity, to the right place, at the right time, in the right conditionand at the right price.  In the business world, however, the concept of "logistics" is applied solely to "Material Re-plenishment Programs" (MRP) and is confined to the manufacturing sector at the beginning. There-fore the extension of concept to company operations is a relatively new one and the earliest datesback to the 1950s in the USA.  Logistics starts with the provision of raw materials and semi-finished goods for the manufacturingprocess, and finishes up with the physical distribution and after-sales service of products.  Economically, this creates a new source of profit characterized by the development of mass dis-tribution and attention to service quality. The two basic objectives in practicing business logistics,cost reduction and time saving.





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  •   物流专业的大专学生用书,但是对于他们来说,篇幅过于长,再加上英语基础一般,所以看到长文章就头疼。建议英语基础一般的不要考虑此书。

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