
出版时间:2008-5  出版社:重庆大学出版社  作者:晏奎,王永梅 主编  页数:354  


《基础英语教程》是高等学校英语专业综合英语教材,全套共四册。本册为第二册,选文以科技、人文、生活、英美文化、世界文明为主,材料新颖、内容健康、语言地道、启发性强。    本册共12个单元,每个单元由四大部分组成:阅读理解(含Pre—reading Tasks、Text、Notes to the Text、Comprehension Tasks)、语言能力(含词法、句法)、技能训练、拓展练习(含Further Work、Learning to Leam、Self Assessment)。通过本册的学习和训练,力求使学生在知识、技能、文化、情感、策略五个方面获得进步和提高。


Unit 1  Text: Alienation and the Internet  Linguistic Competence  Skill Development  Supplementary Reading: Technology Rewrites the Book  Further Work  Learning to Learn: Reasoning and Analyzing ( I ) : Analyze Compound Words  Self-AssessmentUnit 2  Text: Do You Speak Body Language  Linguistic Competence  Skill Development  Supplementary Reading :The "Eyes" Have It: The Fundamentals of Eye Contact  Further Work  Learning to Learn: Reasoning and Analyzing ( II ) : Translating  Self-AssessmentUnit 3  Text: The Battle against Beauty and Truth    Linguistic Competence  Skill Development  Supplementary Reading : For the Pennsylvania Dutch, a Long Tradition Fades  Further Work  Learning to Learn: Creating Structure for Input and Output ( I ) : Summarizing  Self-AssessmentUnit 4  Text: The Design of Your Life  Linguistic Competence  Skill Development  Supplementary Reading: Design -- the Next Frontier  Further Work  Learning to Learn: Creating Structure for Input and Output ( II ) : Highlighting  Self-AssessmentUnit 5  Text: Using a Discipline System to Promote Learning  Linguistic Competence  Skill Development  Supplementary Reading: Teacher and Students Scale the Heights  Further Work  Learning to Learn: Creating Structure for Input and Output ( III ) : Taking Notes  Self-AssessmentUnit 6  Text: The Bloody Crossroads of Grammar and Politics  Linguistic Competence  Skill Development  Supplementary Reading: People Who Become Words  Further Work  Learning to Learn: Overcoming Limitations in Speaking and Writing ( I ) : Using Mime and Gesture  Self-AssessmentUnit 7  Text: Reconsidering Lear Linguistic Competence   Skill Development  Supplementary Reading : Denise Mina and the Rise of Scottish Detective Fiction  Further Work  Learning to Learn: Overcoming Limitations in Speaking and Writing ( II ) : Getting Help  Self-AssessmentUnit 8  Text: Three Hours of Fear and Hope  Linguistic Competence  Skill Development  Supplementary Reading : Emergency Landing Televised on JetBlue Flight  Further Work  Learning to Learn : Overcoming Limitations in Speaking and Writing ( III ) : Selecting the Topic  Self-AssessmentUnit 9  Text: Where Marie Antoinette Played, Before the Deluge  Linguistic Competence   Skill Development   Supplementary Reading : Heritage Survives a Complicated Past in Lviv, Ukraine   Further Work   Learning to Learn: Overcoming Limitations in Speaking and Writing ( IV ) : Switching to Chinese   Self-AssessmentUnit 10  Text: In Sickness, in Health  Linguistic Competence  Skill Development  Supplementary Reading: My Miraculous Family  Further Work  Learning to Learn: Overcoming Limitations in Speaking and Writing ( V ) : Coining Words  Self-AssessmentUnit 11  Text: Contemporary American Graffiti  Linguistic Competence  Skill Development  Supplementary Reading: Style, Technique, and Cultural Piracy: Never Bite the Hand that Feeds You  Further Work  Learning to Learn: Overcoming Limitations in Speaking and Writing ( VI ) : Adjusting or Approximating the Message  Self-AssessmentUnit 12  Text: Lifeline  Linguistic Competence  Skill Development  Supplementary Reading : What Pilots can Teach Hospitals about Patient Safety  Further Work  Learning to Learn: Overcoming Limitations in Speaking and Writing ( VII ) : Using a Circumlocution or Synonym  Self-AssessmentWORD LIST



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