
出版时间:2011-1  出版社:华东理工大学  作者:成应翠//张艳萍  页数:190  




Unit 1  The Singer of the SeamHumpback Whale    海洋歌手——座头鲸Unit 2 Has the Northern Right Whale Become Extinct?    北极露脊鲸绝迹了吗?Unit 3 Mighty King of the Sea—Killer Whale    海中霸王——虎鲸Unit 4 The Balloonlike Fish——Puffer Fish    气泡鱼——河豚Unit 5 The Ultimate Predator--Shark    终极捕食者——鲨鱼Unit 6 The Transoceanic T0 urist—TunQ    跨洋旅游家——金枪鱼Unit 7 How Do Turtles Find Their Way Home?    海龟如何找到回乡之路?Unit 8 Dugong,the Mermaid    美人鱼——儒艮Unit 9 Funnv—looking Lancelets    奇怪的文昌鱼Unit 10 The Kind—hearted Dolphins    善良的海豚Unit 11 The Brutal Piranhas    残忍的食人鱼Unit 12 The Swimming ChampionmSailfish    游泳冠军——旗鱼Unit 13 Latimerias,the Night Owls in the Sea    昼伏夜出的矛尾鱼Unit 14 The Lazy Abalones    大懒虫鲍鱼Unit 15 The Soft Gold in the Ocean-Eel    水中软黄金——鳗鲡Unit 16 Are Seahorses“ModeI Daddies”?    海马是“模范爸爸”吗?Unit 17 The Romantic Prawns    对虾也浪漫Unit 18 Seahares Playing“Hide—and—Seek”    爱玩“捉迷藏”的海兔Unit 19 Why Do Crabs Build Homes?    海蟹为什么要造穴?Unit 20 Mudskippers Have Feet?    弹涂鱼有脚?Unit 21 The BeautifuI ButterfIyfishes    漂亮的蝴蝶鱼Unit 22 The Flatfish with Unique Eyes    与众不同的比目鱼Unit 23 Finless Eels Can Change Their Sex?    黄鳝能改变性别?Unit 24 Why Can the Lantern Fishes Flicker?    灯笼鱼为什么会发光?Unit 25 Why Don't Blindfishes Have Eyes?    为什么盲鱼没有眼睛?Unit 26 Why Can Lungfishes Survive Without Water?    肺鱼为什么能离开水?Unit 27  The Diving Champion--the Sea 0tter    跳水冠军——海獭Unit 28  The Rocket in the Sea--Squid    海洋中的火箭——乌贼Unit 29 The Living Torpedo--Swordfish    活鱼雷——箭鱼Unit 30  The Sharpshooter in the Water——Archerfish    水中的“神射手”——射水鱼Unit 31 The Brightly Colored Parrotfishes    色彩斑斓的鹦嘴鱼Unit 32 The Fabulous Kissing Fishes    美丽无比的接吻鱼Unit 33 The CooI and Smart Flying Fishes    潇洒爽酷的飞鱼Unit 34 The Ancestors of Goldfishes Are Crucian Carps?    金鱼的祖先是鲫鱼?Unit 35 The No.1 Egg LayerlSunfish    产卵大王——翻车鱼Unit 36 The Fish with Four Eyes    四只眼睛的鱼Unit 37 The Larqe Bird in the Sea—Manta    海中巨鸟——蝠鲼Unit 38  The Sea Anemone and Its Partner Amphiprion    海葵与双锯鱼Unit 39 The“Unicorn”in the Sea—Narwhal    海洋中的“独角兽”——独角鲸Unit 40 Thornbacks the Nest Builder    会筑窝的刺鱼Unit 41 The High—handed Octopuses    横行霸道的章鱼Unit 42  The Intelligent Lobsters    聪明的龙虾Unit 43 Living Fossi J of Fish—Chinese Sturgeon    鱼类中的活化石——中华鲟Unit 44 Sea Urchins with Poisonous Spines    身披毒刺的海胆Unit 45  The Fish Surgeon—Wrasse    鱼类的外科医生——隆头鱼


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