iOS 4 编程

出版时间:2011-10  出版社:东南大学出版社  作者:诺伊贝格  页数:808  




作者:(美国)诺伊贝格(Matt Neuburg)


part i. language
 1. just enough c
 2. object-based programming
 3. objective-c objects and messages
 4. objective-c classes
 5. objective-c instances
part ii. ide
 6. anatomy of an xcode project
 7. nib management
 8. oocumentation
 9. life cycle of a project
part iii. cocoa
 10. cocoa classes
 11. cocoa events
 12. accessors and memory management
 13. data communication
part iv. views
 15. drawing
 16. layers
 17. animation
 18. touches
part v. interface
 19. view controllers
 20. scroll views
 21. table views
 22. popovers and split views
 23. text
 24. web views
 25. controls and other views
 26. modal dialogs
part vi. some frameworks
 27. audio
 28. video
 29. music library
 30. photo library
 31. address book
 32. calendar
 33. mail
 34. maps
 35. sensors
part vii. final topics
 36. persistent storage
 37. basic networking
 38. threads
 39. undo
 40. epilogue


版权页:   The main ways ro go wrong with NSLog (or any format string) are to supply a different number of format arguments from the number of format specifiers in the string, or to supply an argument value different from the type declared by the corresponding format specifier. These mistakes can send your app off into the weeds, or at least give misleading results. I often see beginners claim that logging shows a certain value to be nonsense, when in fact it is their NSLog call that is nonsense; for example, a formatspecifier was %i but the value of the corresponding argumenr was a float. C structs are not objects, so to see a struct's value with NSLog you must somehow disassemble or translate the struct. Common Cocoa structs usually supply convenience functions for this purpose. For example: Purists may scoff at caveman debugging, but I use it heavily: it's easy, informative, and lightweighr. And sometimes it's the only way. Unlike the debugger, NSLog works with any build configuration (Debug or Release) and wherever your app runs (in the Simulator or on a device). Ir even works on someone else's device, such as a tester to whom you've distributed your app. It's a little rricky for a tester to get a look at the console so as to be able to report back to you, but it can be done: the tester can connect the device to a computer and view its log in Xcode's Organizer window or with Apple's iPhone Configuration Utility; there's also a free utility app called Console that displays the log right on the device. Remember to remove or comment out NSLog calls before shipping your app, as you probably don't want your finished app ro dump lots of messages into the console. A useful trick (shamelessly stolen from Jens Alfke) is to call MyLog instead of NSLog,and define MyLog like this in your precompiled header.


  “本书包含海量的材料。 它提供了你所需要的从头到尾的视角,让真正的代码做真正的事情。很多很好的实例。写得非常好。”  —— Brendan Dixon*,WellTok公司首席技术架构师    “本书就是我正在找的那本书。(Matt Neuburg)提出了我自己都无法厘清的问题,然后就用简明扼要的回答解决了谜团。”  —— Forrest Anderson*    “作者不仅深入了iOS编程的机制,而且也深入了编程方法和程序结构的原因所在。非常完整。”  —— Harold Schwab*


《iOS 4编程(影印版)(英文版)》包含海量的材料,它提供了你所需要的从头到尾的视角,让真正的代码做真正的事情,很多很好的实例,写得非常好。


“本书包含海量的材料。它提供了你所需要的从头到尾的视角,让真正的代码做真正的事情。很多很好的实例。写得非常好。” ——Brendan Dixon*,WellTok公司首席技术架构师 “本书就是我正在找的那本书。(Matt Neuburg)提出了我自己都无法厘清的问题,然后用简明扼要的回答解决了谜团。” ——Forrest Anderson* “作者不仅深入了iOS编程的机制,而且也深入了编程方法和程序结构的原因所在。非常完整。” ——Harold Schwab* *oreilly.com上的读者评论




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用户评论 (总计3条)


  •   内容很充实,也很全面,虽然比较基础,但是讲到很多非常基础的技巧,推荐英文还可以的童鞋阅读,就是书太厚了,我将它切成了7本,看完之后再合体的
  •   能看懂就好
  •   讲解也许稍嫌繁琐, 但是很细致, 对初学者非常适合。

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