
出版时间:1970-1  出版社:北京体育大学出版社  作者:裴东光 著  页数:161  




Theme 1  The Olympic IdeaTheme 2  Olympic Histon/Theme 3  Olympic EducationTheme 4  Sport, Art and the Olympics Theme 5 Olympic in ChineThemes 6 Olympic in ChinaReading:Olympic Education in ChineOlympic MarketingOlympics and the Mess Media主题1 奥林匹克理念主题2 奥林匹克历史主题3 奥林匹克教育主题4 体育、艺术和奥林匹克主题5 早期奥林匹克运动与中国  主题6 中国奥委会、中国台北奥委会与国际奥委会关系问题的最终解决方案


For Olympism is a social philosophy which emphasizes the role of sport in world development, international understanding, peaceful coexistence, and social and moral education. De Coubertin understood,towards the end of the nineteenth century,that sport wasabout to become a major growth point in popular cultureand that, as physical activitygrounded in rule -adherence, it was apparently universalisable, providing a contact pointacross cultures.A universal philosophy by definition applies to everyone, regardless of nation, race,gender, social class, religion or ideology, and so the Olympic Movement has worked for acoherent universal representation of it self a concept of Olympism which identifies a rangeof values to which each nation can sincerely commit itself whilst at the same time findingfor the general idea a form of expression which is unique to itself. Generated by its ownctdture,location, history, tradition and projected future.De Coubertin, being a product of late nineteenth - century liberalism, emphasized thevalues of equality, fairness, justice, respect for persons, rationality and understanding, au-tonomy, and excellence. These are values which span nearly 3000 years of Olympic histo-ry,although some of them may be differently interpreted at different time. De Coubertinsaid:" but now Olympia... has been rebuilt or rather renovated under forms which are different because modern,yet steeped in a kindred atmosphere?"The contemporary task for the Olympic Movement is to further this project:to try tosee more clearly what its Games (and sport in wider society) might come to mean. Thistask will be both at the level of ideas and action. If the practice of sport is to be pursuedand developed according to Olympic values, the theory must strive for a conception ofOlympism which will support that practice.





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