
出版时间:2005-1  出版社:中国石化出版社  作者:全国职称英语等级考试命题研究组  页数:142  字数:235000  


职称英语自从实行全国统一考试以来,以其独特的题型,较高的难度要求,使得许多考生不太适应。目前参加初级、中级和高级职称评定的同志由于种种原因,有的只是自学过一些英语,有的学的是俄语或日语,有的在实际工作中与英语接触甚少,这使得许多同志的英语基础较为薄弱。针对以上客观事实,我们组织工作在教学第一线的教师编写了这套《全国职称英语等级考试丛书》。本套丛书根据最新考试大纲编写,具体特点如下:    ①详尽列举了常考的词汇和语法考点;    ②剖析了各种题型的解题技巧;    ③荟萃了历史优秀真题;    ④列举了大量的专项练习题。    总之,这套丛书不仅是一套技巧讲解手册,更是一套词汇、语法等常考考点的记忆手册。




  Volts from the Sky  1 Lightning has caused awe and wonder since old times.Although Benj amin Franklin demonstrated lightning as an enormous electrical discharge more than 200 years ago,many puzzlesstill surround this powerful phenomenon.2 Lightning is generated when electrical charges separate in rain clouds,though processes arestill not fully understood.Typically,positive charges build at the cloud top,while the bottombecomes negatively charged.In most instances of cloudtogroUnd lightning,the negativelycharged lower portion of the cloud repels negatively charged particles on the ground’s surfaces,making it become positively charged.The positive charge on the ground gathers at elevated points.3 A flow of electrons begins between the cloud and earth.When the voltage charge becomeslarge enough,it breaks through the insulating barrier of air,and electrons zigzag earthward.We see the discharge as lightning.4 Lightning can occur within a cloud,between clouds,or between clouds and the ground.Thefirst variety,intracloud lightning,is the most frequent but is often hidden from our view.Cloudtoground lightning,making up about 20 percent of lightning discharges,is what we usually see lightning comes in several forms,including sheet,ribbon,and ball,Intra-cloud lightning can illuminate a cloud so it looks like a white sheet,hence its name.When cloudto-groundlightning occurs during strong winds,they can shift the lightning channel sideways,sO it lookslike a ribbon.The average lightning strike is more than 3 miles long and can travel at a tenth ofthe speed of light.Ball lightning,the rarest and most mysterious form,derives its name fromthe small luminous ball that appears near the impact point,moves horizontally,and lasts forseveral seconds.





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