
出版时间:2008-8  出版社:中国环境科学出版社  作者:张少文 编  页数:154  


本书是按照教育部《大学英语专业阅读阶段教学基本要求》编写而成。是高年级学生在专业知识和英语学习上的补充和提高,也是学生开阔视野,直接了解世界范围内专业前沿知识和技术发展的必要途径。    本书选材广泛,—内容新颖,既侧重于专业性基础英语的学习,又注意增加一些现代科技前沿的知识,内容涵盖了化学、环境和生物接术等方面。课文难易适当,语言生动,结构严谨。课文后面配有专业性词汇、词组的解释和课文关键性句子的注解,便于学生自学。本书适合于理工科本、专科师生英语教学使用。


Unit 1  Air Fit to Breathe [ Reading material]   Recycling the WorldUnit 2  Chemical Equations and Formulas [ Reading material ]  History of ChemistryUnit 3  Detergent [ Reading material ]   Numbers in Physical QuantitiesUnit 4  Conductivity without Metals [ Reading material]   Units of MeasurementUnit 5  Applications of Electrolysis [ Reading material ]   Nomenclature of Inorganic CompoundsUnit 6  All Shapes and Sizes [ Reading material]   Nomenclature for Organic Compounds and Groups ..Unit 7  The Global Warmers [ Reading material ]   Origin of the Gene BanksUnit 8  Traffic Technology Drives to Clear the Road [ Reading material ]   Facts in the Development'of TransportationUnit 9  GM Organisms-Is GM the Future? [ Reading material ]   Genetic ModificationUnit 10  Climate Change [ Reading material]   HurricanesUnit 11  Pesticides and Pest Control [ Reading material ]   Clean ProductionUnit 12  Energy [ Reading material ]   The Future of Clean CoalUnit 13  Carbon Capture Strategy Could Lead To Emission-free Cars [ Reading material ]   Food Containers Leach a Potentially Harmful ChemicalUnit 14  Spy Satellite [ Reading material ]   A Review of the U.S. Missile Defence SystemUnit 15  America's Wetlands (1) [ Reading material]   America's Wetlands (2)Unit 16  Creating Molecules and Materials by Design (1) [Reading material]   Creating Molecules and Materials by Design (2)Appendix 1  科技英语词汇构成及解释Appendix 2 科技英语常用前缀和后缀


  Unit 3  Detergent  Detergent is a material that increases the cleaning effect of water on soiled objects.There are also non-aqueous detergents that enhance the cleaning power of organicsolvents;for example,they are used in dry cleaning and in engine oils to prevent dirtand gummy decomposition products from depositing on the metal.However,thislesson will discuss only those detergents that are effective in water.  Composition:Detergents vary in composition,depending on the cleaning task forwhich they are tended.Those that are used for laundering usually contain several basickinds of ingredients.There are surface active agents,or surfactants,which aresubstances that greatly lower the surface tension of water.This physical effect isimportant in detergency,and many surfactants are effective detergents by themselves.There are also builder,which,are generally inorganic salts or alkalis that enhance thecleaning action of the surfactant,although they themselves may not be good detergents.Detergents may also contain auxiliary components that impart special performancecharacteristics to the material.




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