
出版时间:2009-7  出版社:东软电子出版社  作者:张翼,刘筱筠 主编  页数:86  字数:103000  


《听力教程》分为8个单元,每个单元分为Sound Recognition、Trying Your
Hand、Situational Listening和 Leisure


Unit 1 Life on Campus
 Part 1: Sound Recognition
 Part 2: Trying Your Hand
 Part 3: Situational Listening
 Part 4: Leisure Time
Unit 2 Study
 Part 1: Sound Recognition
 Part 2: Trying Your Hand
 Part 3: Situational Listening
 Part 4: Leisure Time
Unit 3 Directions and Transportation
 Part 1: Sound Recognition
 Part 2: Trying Your Hand
 Part 3: Situational Listening
 Part 4: Leisure Time
Unit 4 Love and Friendship
 Part 1: Sound Recognition
 Part 2: Trying Your Hand
 Part 3: Situational Listening
 Part 4: Leisure Time
Unit 5 Computers and the Internet
 Part 1: Sound Recognition
 Part 2: Trying Your Hand
 Part 3: Situational Listening
 Part 4: Leisure Time
Unit 6 Hobbies and Recreational Activities
 Part 1: Sound Recognition
 Part 2: Trying Your Hand
 Part 3: Situational Listening
 Part 4: Leisure Time
Unit 7 Fitness and Health Care
 Part 1: Sound Recognition
 Part 2: Trying Your Hand
 Part 3: Situational Listening
 Part 4: Leisure Time
Unit 8 Holidays and Festivals
 Part 1: Sound Recognition
 Part 2: Trying Your Hand
 Part 3: Situational Listening
 Part 4: Leisure Time



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